Sunday, October 3, 2010

A quiet Sunday afternoon

Hi everyone:  I am enjoying a quiet afternoon today.  Ken slept in this morning - finally got him up at 10 - he just didn't want to wake up today!  So I enjoyed a quiet cup of coffee on the back porch with Miss Kitty and had some Sunday morning quiet time.  Ken is doing well.  We go tomorrow and have a mobility evaluation.  We are wanting to get him a power chair and Medicare requires this face to face eval with a physical therapist.  In getting ready for it we had Brad come out and pour 2 access ramps.  One from the sidewalk up to the porch and then from the porch up to the front door.  If we are able to get Ken the power chair these ramps will make it oh so much easier to get in and out of the house.  Don't you think Brad did a great job.  We have already had the "chair" fitting and picked out all the options for the chair - its like buying a car and Ken chose fire engine red....will not loose him in a crowd!  If we are able to get it then we will have a lift put on the back of the van to carry the chair so that means no more lifting his manual wheel chair into and out of the van - YAHOO!  I am just about finished with my last 2 Halloween projects.  Should have pics of them by Thursday.  Then I can start on Thanksgiving cards and table decorations.  It feels so great getting to putter in the shop again.  I didn't realize how much I missed it.  I am hoping to get Ken to go Friday to Fredericksburg for the Texas Mesquite Art Show.  It runs Fri. thru Sun.  Everything thing there is made of mesquite or I think it has to be at least 80% mesquite.  There is always beautiful things there.  Ken needs to have an outing - I am just having a hard time getting him to get out except to go to the doctors.  So if you are looking for something fun to do - go to Fredericksburg.  Yesterday was a football day here for Ken.  The highlight of the day was the Alabama vs Florida game.  Then this afternoon we listened to the Nascar Race and my driver ' GREG BIFFLE' won.....OMG .... I was so excited.  Its his 2nd win of the year so I was beyond happy.  So it has indeed been a good weekend for sure.   Hope everyone has a great week and remember if you are close - come and play.... the shop is always open.   Love to all,  Glynda  :)

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