Sunday, October 17, 2010

What a Saturday!

Wow - around here Saturday was certainly a nail biter of a day!  I am an avid (if not rabid) Univ. of Arkansas fan.  Ken is an Auburn fan.  So yesterday since they were playing each other this was a house divided to the max.  I don't know if any of you watched the game, but oh my gosh....a total of 108 points were scored in the game.  Unfortunately, my team lost.  Again we fell apart in the 4th quarter.  But with a final score of 63-45 you know it was a heck of a game.  I tried to keep my screeming down to a gentle roar....the cats gave up on me - left the living room and went to the bedroom to get away from me.  Ken was a gracious winner...but I can assure you that had Arkansas won....I would not have been. (tee hee hee).  Then to finish out the day NASCAR was on ABC so we got to watch the race.  I tell you....I was a couch potato for the better part of the day.  It was so wonderful.  I got out for about 30 minutes and went for a walk down our road.  My little neighbor across the street - Savanah who is 3 - joined me and walked with me.  Since I walk pretty slow right now whe kept up with me and talked my ear off.  She is so cute.  She is afraid of Ken.  With his white beard she thinks he is Santa Claus.  Her parents have been trying to get her is give up her binkie and her daddy told her that Santa was gonna come and take it away if she did not give it up.  Now when she sees Ken she just says - No Santa -- No Santa.   We will start a new chapter this week with Ken's recovery.  Tues. he goes to Out Pt. therapy  in Bastrop.  He is scheduled for 3 times a week for 4 weeks.  Know that this is really gonna help him physically and get him stronger so when he gets his new leg he will be ready for it.  Then on Wed. we go for his first fitting of the leg.  We are both excited and nervous at the same time.  They tell us he will have his leg by Christmas but may have it as early as Thanksgiving.  What a great Christmas present this will be.  I have finally finished all the Halloween projects.  I am now ready to start on Thanksgiving, but first I am making 15 birthday party favors for Kitty's 11th birthday. I volunteered to do them and  I have some ideas already, but have to see what her "theme" is.  Know she is going roller skating, and this year MooMoo will NOT be out on the floor skating.  The old hip just will not let me.  Hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful fall weather like we are.  Sitting out on the back porch every morning has been so great.  Better go for now.  Remember to hug those you love.  Ken and Glynda :)

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