Friday, October 8, 2010

Just had to share...

We all need a good laugh - okay, yesterday I wasn't laughing but today I find it funny!  I was on the computer and had to step away for a moment.  When I returned I found Lucy "using" the computer.  If you will look at the pic you will notice that the screen images are all UPSIDE DOWN!!!!!  I guess that she must have hit every key on the keyboard.  When I came back into the room she hopped up and proceeded to sit her butt on the keyboard.  Well, I had to call the Dell Help Line (in India!!) and have them tell me how to right the screen images and then I had to call them back cause all the words and images were now the size of a pin head.  I can tell you that these old eyes could not read it.  So now I will just have to make sure I dont leave the computer on and unattended!  We have tried to raise "good kitties" but alas it seems we have not.  Kitties - you just gotta love 'em.  Hope you get a laugh.  Love to all.   Ken and Glynda :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like something our Chi's would do! I guess you heard dad had caravan on Friday( we are trying really hard not to let the Chi's find out... Lol! Love ya's!
