Thursday, October 7, 2010

What a day!

To say this has been a wild day....well, that is putting it mildly!  This morning I decided to open the windows in our bedroom and enjoy the cool fresh outdoors air.  What I forgot was that on one window - the screen was down!  So, I was in the living room straighting up when I heard the loudest YOW from Lucy (the inside kitty) and Miss Kitty (the outside kitty).  At first I just thought that they had come nose to nose thru the screen....but when I got in the bedroom I realized Lucy was outside and the screen was gone!!!!! I paniced, shut the window so Ethel would not get out, ran out the back door to find Lucy and Miss Kitty nose to nose on the porch.  Lucy ran off, luckily she ran to the bedroom window and tried to jump back into the house, but since momma had shut the window she merely hit the glass.  So I ran back inside - threw open the window and as she was on the ledge, she flew back into the house.  Her tail was the size of a tree trunk and she hid under the bed for several hours.  Course I think that it was several hours before my heart stopped pounding and racing.  The morning settled back into a normal routine.  Ken bathed and got dressed so we could go to the surgeon's office for our post op visit.  Today he had trouble sliding from bed to wheel chair, so he had me put the gait belt around him and give a tug.  I "tugged" to hard and he slid out of the slide board and right onto the floor.  Luckily he slid in slo mo so he did not get hurt.  We had to call 911 and have the fire dept. come out.  They sent 4 burly guys out and the got him up and back into his chair.  Since we were ready to leave for the docs they got him into the van for me.  They were so sweet.  I kept apologizing for having to call for a non emergency like this but they kept telling me this is what they are there for and to never worry about calling them.  Last week Ken was transferring so well and was even able to stand up using the walker.  This week he has not been able to.  We are not sure what is going on.  He doesnt feel like anything has changed but he just doesnt have the arm or leg strength this week.  Monday he tried 6 times to get up and into the van and he could not.  So he slid off the chair and into the back of the van (behind the passenger front seat) and just sat on the floor to his appt.  And when the therapist was here yesterday he could not push himself up to stand.  Luckily he was able to stand, pivot and sit in the van this afternoon.  The surgeon wants him to stop home therapy and start out patient therapy next week.  We will call the PT facility in Bastrop tomorrow and set up an appointment.  We also got the go ahead for the prothesis.  So this afternoon Ken had a plaster cast made of the stump.  In several weeks we will go back for the first fitting of the mold and then there will be 2 or 3 more after that to fine tune the mold and then the prothesis will be made.  We will have it by Christmas but we may actually have it by Thanksgiving.  Ken is excited and looking forward to it.  Well, thats our day.  I am happy to say that this evening has been quiet and oh so very uneventful.   On a side note, I have had several of you ask how to post a comment.  I am not sure so I am looking into it and as soon as I find out I will let you know. If anyone out there knows how...please share the info with me.   Love to all.   Ken and Glynda

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