Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lovin' this weather!

WOW!! fall is arriving in Webberville and I am absolutely lovin' it.  Yesterday morning I was out on the backporch with Miss Kitty enjoying my cup of coffee and I could tell that it was a'gettin colder.  I sat down in the lawn chair and my bare leg hit the cooooooold metal frame and I KNEW that it was 43 me, there was no doubt.I was able to join my dear friend Tina W. for breakfast in downtown Manor and spend some wonderful time visiting with her.  I got to work some more on my Halloween projects.  I am enclosing pics of the last 2 projects.  I have made 50 of the test tube candy treats.  If any of you would like some of the test tubes I have plenty (had to buy 250).  The other project is a mini candy bar holder.  I saw these on a blog site I love,love,love. Its  This is a project she did last year and they are oh so quick and easy to do.  I felt that Frankie needed a girlfriend so I revamped him and made Miss Frankie.  Sorry for the glare on the pic.  Took several and couldnt get one that didnt have the glare.  What you can't see is that I spritzed them with shimmer paint so they are all glitzy. And I couldnt resist including a picture of the kitties.  They had disappeared for a while and I found them in bed all cute and innocent - this was after I found them on the kitchen cabinet while we were having breakfast.  I am not sure what they are looking at but it surely has their attention. I guess that after they got in trouble they decided to hide out for a while.  Ken is doing well.  Right now we are waiting for home therapy to come and give him his work out.  I have had to start using a cane when I am out and about.  Don't like it but since I have fallen twice in the house my orthopedic surgeon said I needed to use one.  So I found a lite blue metallic one and now I need to add some bling to it.  Thinking of going to Hobby Lobby or Michaels an get some of those press on rhinestones and bling it up.   Hope everyone has a wonderful day and take time to hug those you love.   Glynda

1 comment:

  1. I would love to buy some test tubes from you, this is a great idea. Let me know when we can get together. If you are still going to church I can meet you before or after.
    Great job, wonderful pictures!!!
