Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Monday

Hi everyone:  hope you had a great weekend.  Ken was in bed most of the weekend.  His strength has seemed drained the last few days.  He spent most of Friday, all of Saturday and most of Sunday in bed.  Today, he did get up early and has been up all day so maybe his body just needed a rest.  The therapist will be here in about an hour and she will put him through his paces.  Saturday was a great day for me.... Arkansas beat A&M.  Alabama lost - can you believe it!  It would have been a perfect weekend if my NASCAR driver had won but alas he had a bad day. But Ken's driver - Tony Stewart did win.   The big day will be next Saturday when Auburn is beat by Arkansas - oh I mean when Auburn plays Arkansas!!!!!  Depending on how the game goes and who wins will determine who is speaking to who come nightfall.  LOL.  I am gonna try and figure out how to set up the blog site so it will automatically notify you all when I post.  Just havent figured it out yet.  I did change the color and style so maybe I can figure out how to send update alerts.  If anyone knows....let me know.  Fall is gently coming in - kitties are getting fluffy and sleeping a lot.....I mean afterall they do have hectic and busy lives!  Ken will start physical therapy as outpatient next week.  Know that will really take its toll on his strenght but also know it will help build his strenght up.  And we cant wait until we hear back from the prothesis company - should be 2-3 weeks for the first trial fitting.  Hope everyone has a great week and enjoys the beautiful fall weather.  Give a big hug to those you love,   Ken and Glynda

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