Wednesday, October 27, 2010 did what????? now you have seen the pictures!  And they speak for themselves.  I walked into our bedroom this evening and look what I found.  Ethel went wild and shredded a roll of TP.  You won't believe how much I pulled out from under the bed. And if that was not enough she drug a towel off the bed onto the floor.  What got me was the fact that when I came into the room she almost seemed to be smiling about what she had done.  She didn't even move a whisker when I went for the camera, turned on the light and started to click away.  As the lights were off,  she did all this damage in the dark.  Guess when she saw what she had done she was pretty proud of herself.  All Ken and I could do was laugh, and throw  away most of the roll of TP as is was not in usable sizes.  LOL.  Enjoy the pics and have a great day.  Glynda and Ken :)

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