Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ken's first fitting

Today was an exciting day.  Ken went for his first socket fitting.  The socket is the portion of the prothesis that fits up over his right thigh.  A couple of adjustments had to be made- you can see the red markings in the pictures.  Tomorrow it will go back to the prothesis manufacture for a new socket to be made.  When it comes in we go for another fitting.  Any needed adjustments will be made and the process starts over again.  If it fits perfect then when it goes back the actual leg will be made.  Ken could have his leg by Thanksgiving, but for sure by Christmas.  We took pictures of his fitting today and thought that we would share them with you. The metal post and rubber disc at the bottom are not part of the leg.  They are only used to test the socket while Ken is standing.  This is a really neat system and will make transferring oh so much better! Look at him standing up on the parallel bars.  Doesnt he look wonderful.  I am so proud of how well he is doing.  He just keeps getting stronger every day.  We start next week going every Tues and Thurs for 6 wks. for out patient therapy.  They gave him 2 pages of therapy to do at home.  He is taking the opportunity to push to a standing position at home as often as he can.  The therapist was really surprised with all we had at home and how far Ken was just 2 months post surgery.  He is so determined to get better - and it is showing.  We are enjoying the fall weather.  If it doesnt rain on Fri. I need to get out and cut limbs off the pecan tree.  I bought a electric chain saw.  It is small enough for me to handle.  So by the end of the weekend I should have a huge burn pile!!!!!  I am gonna loose quite a few pecans but as the branches are on the ground and several are broken off I need to do some pruning.  Hope everyone has a great week and weekend.   Ken and Glynda

FYI - the girl in the blue scrubs is Laura.  She is the prothesis specialist that has been working with us since the surgery.  She has done a great job fitting Ken and getting him all the supplies that he has needed.  She is an absolute doll.

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