Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What an awesome day!

OMG!!!! this has been the best day ever.  Ken gets stronger and stronger every day and today he proved it. The therapist was here and using his walker she had Ken push himself up from his wheelchair and stand using the walker.  Not only did he do it once, but he did it 3 times......I was so proud of him I almost cried.  I had to get a picture of him standing.  I also got to spend some time in the shop.  I made these fun little milk carton carriers with 2 mini milk cartons. The are filled with candy.  I used the mini milk carton die from SU and then made the carrier to hold them.  If you would like to make the carrier, let me know and I will be happy to send the directions.  They are super-de-duper easy to make - that is once you finally get all the measurements right.  Took me 5 times to finally get it right!  I found this great glitter paper at Hobby Lobby and it just screamed Halloween.  The paper I used for the milk cartons is SU.  Hope you enjoy the pics.  And again - doesnt Ken look great standing up!!!!!  Love to all. 

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