Saturday, September 25, 2010

How 'bout them ........

I was so hoping that I could rave about the Arkansas Razorbacks win over Alabama, but alas I can not.  It was a great game but in the last 5 minutes the "tide" changed and we lost after being ahead the whole game!  I am so sad - also - I have talked a lot of smack this week about my team beating Ken's team.  So tonite I am being oh so very quiet.  (Yeah like that would happen!!!!!)  We have had a great week and for the first time in a very long time we actually have no Dr. appts. this next week.  We have home health and PT but no actual Dr. visits.  Looking forward to Oct. 7th when we go see the surgeon and hopefully he will send us over to see Prothesis people and we can get started on this process.  The kitties Lucy and Ethel are enjoying Ken's bed in the living room.  They get up there now and sleep - one at the head and one at the foot.  Life is getting back to normal for us so am hopeful that tomorrow I can get back to church.  It has been 2 months since I have been.  Going back means like is heading towards normal and that is a good thing.  Bye for now and thanks for visiting.  Hope to have some pics for you of another Halloween project I am finishing.  Glynda

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