Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Grand Unveiling

I have taken the leap and started a blog site.  Thanks a ton to Deb F. who gave me the info I needed to start.  I wanted to have a spot to update friends and family of how things are here and also to post pictures of projects I am working on.  Ken went to the Urologist yesterday and got some new meds and this morning at 7:30 I removed the foley and so far - good.  He is able to go on his own!!!!  This is indeed an answer to prayer.  Home nursing and therapy still are coming twice a week.  Therapy really works him out.   But I can tell that he is getting better and stronger each and every day.  God is anwering our prayers and we can't thank you all enough for all the prayers you have lifted to the Lord.  I am working on a project now so in the next few days will post pics of them.  Have a great day. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you decided to do this. I think you are so talented! This is just the perfect way to keep us posted. You inspired me, now I need the courage to take another task. Maybe after I know that I can do Stampin'Up! I'll start a blog as well.
    Good news on Ken! Always thinking of you both!!! ~Deb
