Wednesday, October 27, 2010 did what????? now you have seen the pictures!  And they speak for themselves.  I walked into our bedroom this evening and look what I found.  Ethel went wild and shredded a roll of TP.  You won't believe how much I pulled out from under the bed. And if that was not enough she drug a towel off the bed onto the floor.  What got me was the fact that when I came into the room she almost seemed to be smiling about what she had done.  She didn't even move a whisker when I went for the camera, turned on the light and started to click away.  As the lights were off,  she did all this damage in the dark.  Guess when she saw what she had done she was pretty proud of herself.  All Ken and I could do was laugh, and throw  away most of the roll of TP as is was not in usable sizes.  LOL.  Enjoy the pics and have a great day.  Glynda and Ken :)

Ken went walking today!

Wow!!! this has been an exciting day!  Ken went in for his 2nd socket fitting today.  At todays visit he had to walk 2-3 steps so they could make sure the socket did not rub anywhere.  Well, he walked to the end of the parallel bars and back, sat down to rest, then got up again and did it again.  They had hoped for 2-3 steps and Ken did about 20!  OMG!!!!  Toooooo exciting.  He just makes me prouder every day.  He is working so hard and it shows.  I took pictures but I tried to take a video of his walking with the digital camera, but guess I did it wrong or else I would send you the video.  If I can figure out how to get it from camera to computer and then see if it is indeed a video I will post it for everyone to see.  But hope you enjoy the "stills"  anyway.  Most of the weight was borne by his arms but still....he was walking.  They were gonna send off the socket today and when it comes back it will be his "new leg".  It should be in around the 1st-2nd week of Nov.  Ken started his out patient therapy yesterday.  It wore him out.  Took us almost 40 minutes to get him into the van.  He was just to weak to push himself up and the van was parked on a slight decline so that made it even harder.  Finally we just said to heck with it and he slid into the back of the van and sat on the floor for the drive home.  Once we got home he laid down and slept for almost 3 hrs. until I woke him up for dinner.  He was so pooped!   I finally finished all of the halloween projects and got everything delivered yesterday and today.  Now I am working on party favor boxes for Kitty's 11th birthday party.  She is having only girls so the boxes are very pink (her favorite color) and oh so verrrrrrry glittery.  Everything in the living room is sparkly since I sat in there last nite while I cut out the boxes.  Will post pics of them as soon I get them finished.   Give a big hug to those you love,   Ken and Glynda

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ken's first fitting

Today was an exciting day.  Ken went for his first socket fitting.  The socket is the portion of the prothesis that fits up over his right thigh.  A couple of adjustments had to be made- you can see the red markings in the pictures.  Tomorrow it will go back to the prothesis manufacture for a new socket to be made.  When it comes in we go for another fitting.  Any needed adjustments will be made and the process starts over again.  If it fits perfect then when it goes back the actual leg will be made.  Ken could have his leg by Thanksgiving, but for sure by Christmas.  We took pictures of his fitting today and thought that we would share them with you. The metal post and rubber disc at the bottom are not part of the leg.  They are only used to test the socket while Ken is standing.  This is a really neat system and will make transferring oh so much better! Look at him standing up on the parallel bars.  Doesnt he look wonderful.  I am so proud of how well he is doing.  He just keeps getting stronger every day.  We start next week going every Tues and Thurs for 6 wks. for out patient therapy.  They gave him 2 pages of therapy to do at home.  He is taking the opportunity to push to a standing position at home as often as he can.  The therapist was really surprised with all we had at home and how far Ken was just 2 months post surgery.  He is so determined to get better - and it is showing.  We are enjoying the fall weather.  If it doesnt rain on Fri. I need to get out and cut limbs off the pecan tree.  I bought a electric chain saw.  It is small enough for me to handle.  So by the end of the weekend I should have a huge burn pile!!!!!  I am gonna loose quite a few pecans but as the branches are on the ground and several are broken off I need to do some pruning.  Hope everyone has a great week and weekend.   Ken and Glynda

FYI - the girl in the blue scrubs is Laura.  She is the prothesis specialist that has been working with us since the surgery.  She has done a great job fitting Ken and getting him all the supplies that he has needed.  She is an absolute doll.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

What a Saturday!

Wow - around here Saturday was certainly a nail biter of a day!  I am an avid (if not rabid) Univ. of Arkansas fan.  Ken is an Auburn fan.  So yesterday since they were playing each other this was a house divided to the max.  I don't know if any of you watched the game, but oh my gosh....a total of 108 points were scored in the game.  Unfortunately, my team lost.  Again we fell apart in the 4th quarter.  But with a final score of 63-45 you know it was a heck of a game.  I tried to keep my screeming down to a gentle roar....the cats gave up on me - left the living room and went to the bedroom to get away from me.  Ken was a gracious winner...but I can assure you that had Arkansas won....I would not have been. (tee hee hee).  Then to finish out the day NASCAR was on ABC so we got to watch the race.  I tell you....I was a couch potato for the better part of the day.  It was so wonderful.  I got out for about 30 minutes and went for a walk down our road.  My little neighbor across the street - Savanah who is 3 - joined me and walked with me.  Since I walk pretty slow right now whe kept up with me and talked my ear off.  She is so cute.  She is afraid of Ken.  With his white beard she thinks he is Santa Claus.  Her parents have been trying to get her is give up her binkie and her daddy told her that Santa was gonna come and take it away if she did not give it up.  Now when she sees Ken she just says - No Santa -- No Santa.   We will start a new chapter this week with Ken's recovery.  Tues. he goes to Out Pt. therapy  in Bastrop.  He is scheduled for 3 times a week for 4 weeks.  Know that this is really gonna help him physically and get him stronger so when he gets his new leg he will be ready for it.  Then on Wed. we go for his first fitting of the leg.  We are both excited and nervous at the same time.  They tell us he will have his leg by Christmas but may have it as early as Thanksgiving.  What a great Christmas present this will be.  I have finally finished all the Halloween projects.  I am now ready to start on Thanksgiving, but first I am making 15 birthday party favors for Kitty's 11th birthday. I volunteered to do them and  I have some ideas already, but have to see what her "theme" is.  Know she is going roller skating, and this year MooMoo will NOT be out on the floor skating.  The old hip just will not let me.  Hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful fall weather like we are.  Sitting out on the back porch every morning has been so great.  Better go for now.  Remember to hug those you love.  Ken and Glynda :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Happy Monday

Hi everyone:  hope you had a great weekend.  Ken was in bed most of the weekend.  His strength has seemed drained the last few days.  He spent most of Friday, all of Saturday and most of Sunday in bed.  Today, he did get up early and has been up all day so maybe his body just needed a rest.  The therapist will be here in about an hour and she will put him through his paces.  Saturday was a great day for me.... Arkansas beat A&M.  Alabama lost - can you believe it!  It would have been a perfect weekend if my NASCAR driver had won but alas he had a bad day. But Ken's driver - Tony Stewart did win.   The big day will be next Saturday when Auburn is beat by Arkansas - oh I mean when Auburn plays Arkansas!!!!!  Depending on how the game goes and who wins will determine who is speaking to who come nightfall.  LOL.  I am gonna try and figure out how to set up the blog site so it will automatically notify you all when I post.  Just havent figured it out yet.  I did change the color and style so maybe I can figure out how to send update alerts.  If anyone knows....let me know.  Fall is gently coming in - kitties are getting fluffy and sleeping a lot.....I mean afterall they do have hectic and busy lives!  Ken will start physical therapy as outpatient next week.  Know that will really take its toll on his strenght but also know it will help build his strenght up.  And we cant wait until we hear back from the prothesis company - should be 2-3 weeks for the first trial fitting.  Hope everyone has a great week and enjoys the beautiful fall weather.  Give a big hug to those you love,   Ken and Glynda

Friday, October 8, 2010

Just had to share...

We all need a good laugh - okay, yesterday I wasn't laughing but today I find it funny!  I was on the computer and had to step away for a moment.  When I returned I found Lucy "using" the computer.  If you will look at the pic you will notice that the screen images are all UPSIDE DOWN!!!!!  I guess that she must have hit every key on the keyboard.  When I came back into the room she hopped up and proceeded to sit her butt on the keyboard.  Well, I had to call the Dell Help Line (in India!!) and have them tell me how to right the screen images and then I had to call them back cause all the words and images were now the size of a pin head.  I can tell you that these old eyes could not read it.  So now I will just have to make sure I dont leave the computer on and unattended!  We have tried to raise "good kitties" but alas it seems we have not.  Kitties - you just gotta love 'em.  Hope you get a laugh.  Love to all.   Ken and Glynda :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What a day!

To say this has been a wild day....well, that is putting it mildly!  This morning I decided to open the windows in our bedroom and enjoy the cool fresh outdoors air.  What I forgot was that on one window - the screen was down!  So, I was in the living room straighting up when I heard the loudest YOW from Lucy (the inside kitty) and Miss Kitty (the outside kitty).  At first I just thought that they had come nose to nose thru the screen....but when I got in the bedroom I realized Lucy was outside and the screen was gone!!!!! I paniced, shut the window so Ethel would not get out, ran out the back door to find Lucy and Miss Kitty nose to nose on the porch.  Lucy ran off, luckily she ran to the bedroom window and tried to jump back into the house, but since momma had shut the window she merely hit the glass.  So I ran back inside - threw open the window and as she was on the ledge, she flew back into the house.  Her tail was the size of a tree trunk and she hid under the bed for several hours.  Course I think that it was several hours before my heart stopped pounding and racing.  The morning settled back into a normal routine.  Ken bathed and got dressed so we could go to the surgeon's office for our post op visit.  Today he had trouble sliding from bed to wheel chair, so he had me put the gait belt around him and give a tug.  I "tugged" to hard and he slid out of the slide board and right onto the floor.  Luckily he slid in slo mo so he did not get hurt.  We had to call 911 and have the fire dept. come out.  They sent 4 burly guys out and the got him up and back into his chair.  Since we were ready to leave for the docs they got him into the van for me.  They were so sweet.  I kept apologizing for having to call for a non emergency like this but they kept telling me this is what they are there for and to never worry about calling them.  Last week Ken was transferring so well and was even able to stand up using the walker.  This week he has not been able to.  We are not sure what is going on.  He doesnt feel like anything has changed but he just doesnt have the arm or leg strength this week.  Monday he tried 6 times to get up and into the van and he could not.  So he slid off the chair and into the back of the van (behind the passenger front seat) and just sat on the floor to his appt.  And when the therapist was here yesterday he could not push himself up to stand.  Luckily he was able to stand, pivot and sit in the van this afternoon.  The surgeon wants him to stop home therapy and start out patient therapy next week.  We will call the PT facility in Bastrop tomorrow and set up an appointment.  We also got the go ahead for the prothesis.  So this afternoon Ken had a plaster cast made of the stump.  In several weeks we will go back for the first fitting of the mold and then there will be 2 or 3 more after that to fine tune the mold and then the prothesis will be made.  We will have it by Christmas but we may actually have it by Thanksgiving.  Ken is excited and looking forward to it.  Well, thats our day.  I am happy to say that this evening has been quiet and oh so very uneventful.   On a side note, I have had several of you ask how to post a comment.  I am not sure so I am looking into it and as soon as I find out I will let you know. If anyone out there knows how...please share the info with me.   Love to all.   Ken and Glynda

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lovin' this weather!

WOW!! fall is arriving in Webberville and I am absolutely lovin' it.  Yesterday morning I was out on the backporch with Miss Kitty enjoying my cup of coffee and I could tell that it was a'gettin colder.  I sat down in the lawn chair and my bare leg hit the cooooooold metal frame and I KNEW that it was 43 me, there was no doubt.I was able to join my dear friend Tina W. for breakfast in downtown Manor and spend some wonderful time visiting with her.  I got to work some more on my Halloween projects.  I am enclosing pics of the last 2 projects.  I have made 50 of the test tube candy treats.  If any of you would like some of the test tubes I have plenty (had to buy 250).  The other project is a mini candy bar holder.  I saw these on a blog site I love,love,love. Its  This is a project she did last year and they are oh so quick and easy to do.  I felt that Frankie needed a girlfriend so I revamped him and made Miss Frankie.  Sorry for the glare on the pic.  Took several and couldnt get one that didnt have the glare.  What you can't see is that I spritzed them with shimmer paint so they are all glitzy. And I couldnt resist including a picture of the kitties.  They had disappeared for a while and I found them in bed all cute and innocent - this was after I found them on the kitchen cabinet while we were having breakfast.  I am not sure what they are looking at but it surely has their attention. I guess that after they got in trouble they decided to hide out for a while.  Ken is doing well.  Right now we are waiting for home therapy to come and give him his work out.  I have had to start using a cane when I am out and about.  Don't like it but since I have fallen twice in the house my orthopedic surgeon said I needed to use one.  So I found a lite blue metallic one and now I need to add some bling to it.  Thinking of going to Hobby Lobby or Michaels an get some of those press on rhinestones and bling it up.   Hope everyone has a wonderful day and take time to hug those you love.   Glynda

Sunday, October 3, 2010

A quiet Sunday afternoon

Hi everyone:  I am enjoying a quiet afternoon today.  Ken slept in this morning - finally got him up at 10 - he just didn't want to wake up today!  So I enjoyed a quiet cup of coffee on the back porch with Miss Kitty and had some Sunday morning quiet time.  Ken is doing well.  We go tomorrow and have a mobility evaluation.  We are wanting to get him a power chair and Medicare requires this face to face eval with a physical therapist.  In getting ready for it we had Brad come out and pour 2 access ramps.  One from the sidewalk up to the porch and then from the porch up to the front door.  If we are able to get Ken the power chair these ramps will make it oh so much easier to get in and out of the house.  Don't you think Brad did a great job.  We have already had the "chair" fitting and picked out all the options for the chair - its like buying a car and Ken chose fire engine red....will not loose him in a crowd!  If we are able to get it then we will have a lift put on the back of the van to carry the chair so that means no more lifting his manual wheel chair into and out of the van - YAHOO!  I am just about finished with my last 2 Halloween projects.  Should have pics of them by Thursday.  Then I can start on Thanksgiving cards and table decorations.  It feels so great getting to putter in the shop again.  I didn't realize how much I missed it.  I am hoping to get Ken to go Friday to Fredericksburg for the Texas Mesquite Art Show.  It runs Fri. thru Sun.  Everything thing there is made of mesquite or I think it has to be at least 80% mesquite.  There is always beautiful things there.  Ken needs to have an outing - I am just having a hard time getting him to get out except to go to the doctors.  So if you are looking for something fun to do - go to Fredericksburg.  Yesterday was a football day here for Ken.  The highlight of the day was the Alabama vs Florida game.  Then this afternoon we listened to the Nascar Race and my driver ' GREG BIFFLE' won.....OMG .... I was so excited.  Its his 2nd win of the year so I was beyond happy.  So it has indeed been a good weekend for sure.   Hope everyone has a great week and remember if you are close - come and play.... the shop is always open.   Love to all,  Glynda  :)