Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas

First of all - hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  It was oh so cold here, so we stayed inside and stayed nice and warm.  Our friend Tina came and joined us for lunch and we got to spend the day was a wonderful day!  Ken is already for the Auburn/Oregon game with 2 new Auburn t-shirts.    There are random pictures today - dont sure what I did but they are kinda spaced out so shall attempt to let you know what is in each.  The two below of Lucy and Ethel -not sure what I hit to get the caption option....any way--- picture #1 - the stockings were hung and all 3 "girls" were getting new catnip mouses....cute little heads sticking out... #2-Lucy hiding under the tree - wonder if she is thinking if Santa will see her hiding there?  #3 -Miss Kitty (the outside kitty) never gets her pic taken so this morning (Sun.) during our quiet time together I got her pic. #4 -Yesterday the cardinals were abundant in the back yard.  I captured these 2 on the swing. #5 - here is cardinal out on the bird feeder this morning.  note the frost on the ground #6 -the daisys are my back porch are blooming and full of buds just waiting to burst open.  Would someone tell them its Dec. 26!!!! and #7 - to compare the "spring" on my backporch with daisys blooming, when I went to get the paper this morning the birdbath by the front porch had a frozen block of ice in it.  Somehow I got it turned sideways (not sure how to fix).  the leaves in the ice are from the sage bush.  It was like we had 2 different weather zones in our yard..... The last two are of Lucy and Ethel getting high.  Ethel more than Lucy is addicted to the Nip!!!!!  She leaps in the air, does backflips, just goes WILD!!!   Wishing everyone a quiet day today - enjoy your loved ones and enjoy the time you have with them.  All our love,  Ken and Glynda
Lucy and Ethel  on Kitty Crack (aka Cat Nip) - parents we must learn to say NO!

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