Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Monday Morning

Good Monday morning to everyone.  Hope you all had a great weekend.  Ken OD'd on football - Auburn (OMG!!!) SEC champs.  Can life be any sweeter.  Okay, it could if Arkansas was SEC champ.  But at least we are going to the Sugar Bowl.  I have been down with sinuses gone WILD.....I slept all day on Sat. And yes that means I slept thru the Auburn/S. Carolina game.  I literally slept until 1pm Sat. afternoon, got up and showered, laid down on the couch and slept until 6, got up and made a quick dinner and then at 9:30 was back in bed.  Talk about a 100% totally non-productive day, but guess that my body knew more than I did!  Will have to get more done this week./  I had planned to finish teacher gifts and another project Sat. but it will have to wait for another day.  Ken goes to see the prothesis lady today.  He needs the leg socket tweeked a bit today.  We know that with his stump changing sizes and shape over the next year this will be a constant thing tweeking until Oct. or Nov. of next year.  He only has one PT appt. this week so I am gonna try and get a pic or two of him up walking on his walker.  If I do I will post them tomorrow for everyone.  I must also say a huge thank you to the man who designed the rotating waffle maker!!!!!!  OMG - I am so in love.  We keep batter in the fridge and if Ken's sugar is low enough then we have a waffle for breakfast.  This is the kind of waffle maker that hotels now use for their breakfast bars.  In 2-3 minutes breakfast is done and we are enjoying.  I am also about to venture out into a new project.  Stampin Up offers a digital studio - you can make scrapbook pages, cards, calendars, whatever digitally and either print them yourself or have SU print for you.  I got mine this week and yesterday I loaded it all into the computer and all thats left is for me to read (and try to understand) the 128 page "user guide"!!!!  Wish me luck.  Luckily SU also has a section I can go to to watch videos on how to do this!  That's all for now.  Hope everyone has a great week.   Love to all,  Ken and Glynda :)

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck with the new program, I need to find time to download mine.
    Thanks for the glitter it!!!!
