Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Wednesday

Hi everyone - can't believe that we are only 3 days from Christmas.  Hope everyone is ready!  The past 2 weeks the cats have all been oh so super sweet and you think they know Santa is watching (tee hee hee!).  Ken had therapy on Mon. and did some walking with the walker and the total gym.  He has 4 more visits so we will go 2 times each week for 2 weeks.  I went and had lunch today with Cherry and her girls then went to see Narnia.  Thanks girls for a wonderful and delightful afternoon.  And thank you Lily for a wonderful Lily original ornament.  Its already on the tree.  Narnia was great.   It was a perfect way to spend a gray day.  We may get out tomorrow for a bit - Ken wants to go Christmas shopping!!!!!!  Not sure if I am ready for it.... should be lots of people but I've never been out in the "last minute crowds" so looking forward to it....kinda.  But the fact that he wants to get out and go shopping is music to my ears.  He is feeling so much better since the surgery and is now wanting to venture out more and more.  Who knows, by the time we get to Ga. for the wedding - he may be up dancing.....wouldn't that be awesome.  Well, not a lot of news from here, but just wanted to drop a note and let everyone know all was well here.  We wish you all a very Merry Christmas.  Wish we could be with all our family this year, but even though we are not please know that you are in our prayers and in our hearts.  We love you all.   Ken and Glynda :)


  1. Happy Holidays Glynda and Ken!! Hope you received our card with our good news!

  2. Hello Glenda!

    Billy just forwarded your link and I am in tears of joy after reading such wonderful news and seeing the wonderful pictures of Ken. It has been a hope and a prayer since our engagement that we'd be able to share our happiest of days with the both of you. I already see visions of a pink satin bow on Ken's wheelchair as I walk down the aisle to meet Billy. Ok...that might be a bit much, but please tell Ken I am looking forward to a twirl with him on the dance floor in September! He'll likely have more back pain from dancing with tiny me than anything else. I'm only 4'11"!
    May God continue to bless you both. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Love and hugs to all.

