Thursday, December 16, 2010

A great day!!!!!

Wow!  God is oh so Good.  This has been an absolutely awesome day!  We took the van in Mon. for oil/filter change and I had them look at the brakes - they were making noise - you know - that grinding noise!!!!  Well they had to keep it until today.  They also found that it needed new rotor/bearings on the 2 front tires as well as brakes.  I went this morning at 8 to pick it up - no idea how much $$$ it would be.  The young man at the dealership was so nice.  We have had the van  2 years next week and have 28,000 miles.  He was able to get most of the work under warranty and after all was said and done the bill was only $229.85.  Oh my goodness....thank you Jesus!  I was ready to mortgage the house.  Then we had an appt. with the surgeon who is so thrilled with Ken's progress.  Ken even got up on his walker and walked a bit for Dr.Blais.  Ken was released from his care.  We just go back if there is a problem in the future.  Answer to prayers for sure.  Then we made one more stop at Travis Medical.  We had ordered a new seat for Ken's wheelchair and it was in.  While we were there they let us know that Medicare had approved the power chair for Ken - it had been ordered - and we should expect delivery end of January.  I have prayed every nite that God would bless Ken with this chair, and he has!!!!!  Now we will have to have a lift put on the back of the van for the chair.  We will go in the next couple of weeks to look at them and make the arrangements.  I think that the lift is around $3,000 to 5,000.  Wish Medicare paid for this, but alas they dont.  But again we have been blessed that we have had the medical coverage for all of Ken's hospital stays, surgery, home health and physical therapy so paying for the lift is a small price to pay.  We came home just so happy.  It was indeed a good day.  We thought that you would also enjoy some pics.  For Halloween I had made some mini candy bar holders - the mummy, Mr. and Mrs. Frankenstein and Dracula.  For Thanksgiving I made some with turkeys on them and then for Christmas I made some with Santa, reindeer and snowmen.  I need to come up with ideas for St Patty's Day an Easter.  By the end of the year I should have mini candy bar holders for all the holidays.  I will be happy to send the directions to all who would like to make some.  The first picture was of teacher bags I made for Kitty and Lily's teachers.  I filled the bag with a mug I had decorated, peppermint hot chocolate, apple cider, pumpkin or banana bread, and chocolate/peppermint bark snowflakes.  I only had 4 of these to make so they went together pretty fast. The other pics are of Ken at therapy on Tues.  Ken had walked a bit and was about to get on the Total Gym so I got pics of him.  He did 7 min. on the total gym.  Course his legs are still hurting today!  Then last but not least - a picture of Ethel.   We were blessed to have our family here on Sat. for the Ferguson Family Christmas.  We had 12 for lunch, and I think that everyone went home full!  Anyway - before everyone got here I had sat the table and Ethel got up in the chair cause I guess that she was ready for her meal.   I even found out from our nephew - thank you Jason - that we could watch the ESPN bowl games on the computer.  So hoping we can pick up and watch the bowl games....otherwise we will be traveling all over Texas to "visit" our family (just in time to watch the games)  tee hee hee... I also want to send a shout out to my nephew Easton - he took the final exam on Tues. and he will graduate Texas A and M on Friday with a degree in Civil Engineering.   We are all very proud of you Easton.   Well, that brings you up to date from Webberville.  Its overcast and kinda gloomy here.  Only 1 day and I already miss the sun.  We pray that each and everyone of you has a wonderful week and we ask that you Remember the reason for the season......the birth of our Lord and Savior. All our love to each and every one of you.  Ken and Glynda

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear everything went so well! Ken looks great! I am really enjoying your blog Glynda..keep up the good work. Everything is good here. Mitzi and I are gearing up for some company here at my house this weekend for a Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner with friends (both of us have a 4 day weekend). We never get to see each other every day for 4 days, so we are excited about spending time with each other and good friends. Mitzi has to work Christmas Eve morning and Christmas night and I am on call for the whole week of Christmas. She will be able to make it to Mom and Dad's for Christmas Eve and then on to her Dad's in Hinesville for midnight mass. We send our love and hope y'all have a very Merry Christmas! Love you both. Billy
