Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hello dear friends and family:  today will just be a post - no pictures.  Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.  It has been fairly quiet here.  This was the week I was gonna take down the tree (its artifical) and put all my Christmas decorations away....but yesterday I had a small accident....I fell.  When I fell I went to protect my right hip and in doing so I fell on my left leg.  I went to the ER and was told it was a bad sprain.  So they put me in a boot and gave me crutches.  Okay - those were not made for my body.  I can not get around with these.  I  fell 3 times so had to use Ken's walker.  Today I went to the Orthopedic doc for an ER follow up.  They took more xrays and found that I had a fractured heel on my left foot.  Fortunately they did not have to put it in a cast.  Because there was no bone displacement they were able to wrap the foot in an ace bandage and put me back in the boot. I will be non weight bearing for a few weeks. So now the Moon household has 2 people in wheelchairs.  Its quiet interesting around here!  I can now appreciate how difficult it is for Ken to get around.  And I am learning to let Ken help me.  Today he made eggs, bacon and coffee for breakfast.  I felt like Lady Astor....Course I am surprised that I did not break it on Tues. nite when watching the Ark/Ohio State one point I wanted to kick something.... hope the Auburn/Oregon game goes better on Mon.    Thanks to Margaret and Jessica we have paper products to use - so now we will have a true tailgate party on Mon. nite.  Love to all.  Will keep you all posted on how we get along both wheelchairs over the next few days.   Ken and Glynda


  1. Big Boo, Glynda! Give a shout if you need help with ANYTHING!

  2. Yikes - be careful with yourself! Hope you don't need to kick anything during the Aggie game tonight! At least you can watch that one on the big TV - it's on Fox.

    I just ran into a lady here at the office with a broken ankle. She's got the coolest scooter-like contraption to get around. It's like a bigger version of the kids' kick scooters you see everywhere, except it's got cushions where you kneel on the hurt leg and push with the good one. Pretty slick!

    Holler if you need any help.
