Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hope everyone is having a great day.  It is grey and chilly here so we are snuggled inside the house.  We are watching Chicago and Green Bay play - go Chicago!!!!  Right now it is 14-0 (and not in favor of Chicago) so I need to really start to root on my team.  I went to the orthopedic doc on Thurs.  He said that the heel is healing nicely.  All 3 cracks are on the mend, but I am still non weight bearing for another 2 weeks.  I was told that I could start to put my toes down onto the floor and use to balance myself a little if I needed to - but try this without putting any pressure on the toes!  I got a walker after I left his office and will start practicing with the walker with hopes that in 2 weeks I will be able to give up the wheel chair and just use the walker.  I have some swelling in the foot and leg so he ordered me some TED hose to help with the swelling.  A great idea until you have to put these tight fitting hose on over a fractured heel.......poor Ken had to put it on me and it did hurt like all get out!!!!!  I just want it to warm up some outside so the ground will dry up enough that I can attempt to get out to my shop......really ready to do some crafting!  Another reason for me to practice using the walker.....  We went Tues. and talked with Austin Mobility about the lift for the back of the van that will transport the new power chair.  As soon as the chair is delivered they will order the lift and in about a week they will be ready to put it on the van.  I will be calling this next week to see about estimated date of delivery for the chair.  We are so excited about it - really gonna give Ken a lot more mobility and freedom.  Hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend and a wonderful week.  All our love,  Ken and Glynda


  1. Glynda, you look great. It was nice seeing you on Saturday. I was really happy you made over here. I always enjoy your company.

  2. Glynda, Glad to hear you are on the mend. You don't realize how much you take mobility for granted until it is taken from you! Hopefully you will be able to use the walker shortly. Keep us posted. We will keep you in our prayers. Love y'all!
