Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Here is Ken's new power chair.  He got it in Arkansas Red....course I am sure he really got it in red to match his scooter...but I like to think he got it to honor my team.  Sure will be nice to have when we are out and about.  Now to order the lift for the back of the van and then we will be set to hit the road.

Now I tell you...this is one fat and fluffy dove.  The wind was fluffing him up.  I watched him while I was washing breakfast dishes and he was perching on the shepard's hook holding the bird feeders.

On Thurs. when I went out to the shop, Miss Kitty was under the shop.  She loves to get under there.  She had found the warm sun shine and she was rolling side to side enjoying the warm earth and sun.  She was so happy momma came out to the shop to work.  She normally comes in and joins me for a while.

Here is a pic of some of the male and female cardinals on the tree that is beside the feeders.  I could not get all the tree from the window.  There were about 15 birds out on it.

OMG.....winter has sure hit us - it is so cold here.  I made sure I had any and all errands done by Tues. so now I do not plan to stick my nose out the door until Sat.  That means the paper and the mail can stay where they are!  It is hard to believe that it has been 2 wks. since I posted.  The days are going by way to fast.  Where did January go?  I did manage to wobble out to the shop last week.  I got as far as the end of the driveway with the wheelchair, then opened the gate and with the aid of my walker got to the shop.  The 15-20 steps took me about 10 minutes to hop along but hey - I made it and got to spend 2 hours out in my bliss.  Now I wont go out there until the weather warms up.  I was suppose to go to the docs on Thurs. but cancelled until next week.  Dont want to get out in frigid temp.  Mon. I went and applied for Social Security....will start getting my check in May.  Yahoo....  I dont know if I feel old now or just all grown up.  We worked in tandem last nite and got Miss Kitty in.  I got her as far as the back door and then handed her off to Ken so I could get my chair into the house, then I took her back and got her into the spare bedroom.   She has her litter box, bed and food and we plan to keep here there until Sat.  That is when the temp. should get more to normal.  We felt that getting down to the low teens was just to cold for her to be out in, even if she does have a little house to get up in.  I go in several times a day and just love on her..she crawls up in the lap, curls up, purrs and goes to sleep.  She may not be happy about being in the house, but she is being good about it.  No meowing or acting out.  Course Lucy and Ethel have stayed in our bedroom.  Guess that they can smell her and they are not happy.  Just wish that I could get them to accept her...but Ethel and Miss Kitty both want to be alpha kitty. Sat. I had to run into Bastrop to pick up prescriptions for us so Ken went with me.  Our first dual wheelchair outing!  We looked like a convoy!  Ken and I worked together to get his chair in, then I went around and got me in.  After errand we decided to stop for dinner at a Mexican restarunt we like .  After this we were both tired when we got home, but it was nice to have a nite out. Hope everyone is doing well and staying warm.....perfect time to stay in and just snuggle.  All our love - Ken and Glynda

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