Thursday, February 10, 2011

The sun is out!!!

Lily is working on her Valentine cards for her class.  Here she is a stamping machine!

Kitty is working hard as well.Here she is stamping and the next pic shows her assembling the packets.  They are making the mini candy holder like I made for Halloween and Christmas.  One pattern - so many holidays to use it on...gotta love it. 

Can you believe how grown up Madison is...she is now 14....where has the years gone?  She is certainly growing up to be a beautiful young woman.

Here is a pic of Lily's finished candy holders.  When the kiddos open the flap they will find Laffy Taffy (the girls candy of choice request).  Lily had to do 23 and Kitty did 27.Then when they were finished we took the shoe boxes and decorated them - wish I had gotten pictures of them cause they did an awesome job.  They both are so creative.

Wow - the sun is shining....wasn't sure what it was at first!  It is misleading however.  When you go outside you  realize it is still oh so cold.  Its 31 now at noon and will drop again to freezing temp tonite.  Then as usual for Texas 50's tomorrow, 60's on Sun and 70's for next week.  They are even saying that we may see 80's in the following week.  Gotta love it!  All is well here.  I went to the doc on Tues. and was told I could start putting my left foot down and walking on it with aid of the walker.  Yahoo. I was so excited.  I get to finally walk.  I have to make sure I have the boot on when I walk.  The only think I dont like about it is the fact that it makes me uneven - notice I DID NOT say  "unbalanced". (lol)  So I tend to wabble when I walk.  I go back Mar 1 and if all looks good then he will have me stop using the boot and go to an ankle brace and dont know if I will continue to use walker or not.  I plan to keep the wheelchair until Mar 1 cause I need it when I go out - using the walker for a long period of time causes my right leg to cramp up so I am using it more each day to build up my strength.   I am hoping to get out to the shop in the next couple of days - gotta make my own Valentines...... or else I will be buying Hallmark.   Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and a special Valentines.  Love to all.  Ken and Glynda :)

1 comment:

  1. great job girls!!!! Both on the makes and in how wonderful you guys are. I* love that you work with Glynda to make wonderful gifts. Great Job!!!
