Friday, February 4, 2011

Got Snow?

With the weather bad Miss Kitty was brought in to stay warm and safe.  I go in several times a day for kitty time.  I spend about an hour each time and while with her I read.  I have taken to reading out loud and she apparently really likes it.  She curls up and just purrs and sleeps.  Her paws are making "bread" just as I clicked the picture.  She is enjoying U is for Undertow by Grafton.  She is such a sweetie.

Here are two picks of the front yard taken this morning.  It was such fun to find snow outside this morning.

Our resident road runner was out on the last bits of snow this afternoon sunning himself. 

We woke up this morning to find snow on the ground.  It was not the 3" they were talking about but we probably got 1/2 to 1".  It is now 2pm and most of the snow is gone.  The sun is out but we are still in the low 30's so almost all of the snow is melted.   Dont know what Austin is like, but out here it is oh so very quiet.  And I am lovin' it.  We went over 60 hours of freezing temps.  Should warm up to low 50's tomorrow - yahoo.  A heat wave!  There is talk of a new wave coming in next week - so will have to wait for the weather report this evening to know what to expect next week.  I had cancelled my Dr appt. for Thurs. due to weather and made it for Tues. so am hoping that the weather stays in the 50's or above.  Well that brings you up to date on life in Webberville.  Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys the superbowl.  Go Steelers!!!!!  All our love, Ken and Glynda :)

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