Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Thursday

Wow! I cant believe that it has been 2 weeks since I posted.  Life around the Moon farm has been pretty quiet.  With the bad weather we had we stayed really really close and mostly indoors.  But the weather is a-changing and I am loving it. Cant wait until I am able to get outside and do yard work.  There is a lot waitin' on me. With the freeze we had I can tell that there is lots of pruning back of dead limbs waiting on me.  We had 80's for a couple of days.  Today we even had a good rain that lasted about 10 minutes.  I had just come in from running an errand so glad that I beat it.  Otherwise, I would have looked like a drowned rat.  Went out today and ordered the lift for our van to carry the new power chair.  It came to $500.00 less than we expected so we are thrilled.  It will be in late next week and once in they said a day or 2 to have installed.  The nice thing is they will give me a loaner vechicle so we will have wheels for the time they have the van.  Ken is still using his regular chair in the house.  He likes it better, but it will be so nice to have the power chair so he will be much more mobile when we are out.  I am using the walker more and more.  I have even gone to Walgreens and used the walker to go in then held on to the basket to walk thru the store.  I am even using the walker to go grocery shopping.  Go in on the walker and then use one of their scooters to shop.  OMG- now that is the way to shop - sit, drive and shop.... I really hope that when I go to the Doc on Mar 1 that I get to drop the boot and go to an anke brace.  Now I am just trying to figure out what kinda shoes I am going to wear since my left foot is still twice as fat as the non-injuried foot. Dont want to have to buy 2 diffeent size shoes.   Well, that brings everyone up to date on life in the big W.... Love to all...Ken and Glynda :)

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