Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm Free---I'm Free!

Yes - I am  officially out of the boot and out of the chair.....oh happy day!!!!!!! I turned my chair in yesterday and put the boot in the closet. I am to use the walker when I am out and about but in the house I can do without it.  I had my dr. appt. yesterday and he said that I was healing well.  He felt that I could not stop wearing the boot and put on a shoe.  Ok, this was easier said than done. I only have to wear the boot if my foot is really sore or swelling. Right foot - size 6 and left foot....about a size 9.  He told me to get a good pair of walking shoes and wear these when up and walking.  So this means this girl who never wears shoes except when I am going someplace is gonna have to get used to wearing shoes from the time I get up until I go to bed.  This is gonna take some getting use to.  I am still very sore on the outside of my ankle and foot but Dr. Race said this would ease up after I get stronger.  And he said that it would be 6-8 months before I feel 100% in the foot.  I just have to remind myself to go slow and easy and not get crazy.  Ken went and had eye exam yesterday.  There has been such a slight change in his script that new lens were not necessary.  But the doc wants Ken to see eye surgeon regarding the cataract in his right eye.  So we go next Wed. afternoon.  Will let everyone know what we find out.  Feel like spring is just around the corner.  The days are great ande enjoying the pleasant temps.  The bad side is that the weeds are popping up so next week it is weed spray time.  Trees are starting to bud out...yea!!!!!  Hope everyone is well.  Love to all.  Ken and Glynda :)


  1. you got really used the wearing the boot, so I am pretty sure you can get used to the shoes :)
    I am glad you are doing well.

  2. Congratulations on your freedom!
