Thursday, March 24, 2011

A wonderful birthday

Hello all:  I want to first thank each and everyone of you for the birthday messages, well wishes, cards and phone calls.  You all made my birthday extra special and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I love each and everyone of you.  Thank you all for making me feel extra special.  I slept in till 8 - any later and the cats are nudging me to get up cause they want their special morning treat!  I thought if I laid there long enough they would serve me breakfast in bed - but nooooo, so I got up, made coffee, looked at the paper and thought they would still make me breakfast, but alas NO.  I did enjoy a wonderfully relaxing day and at 5 we went to dinner at Texas Land and Cattle - one of my most favorite places to eat.  I even went wild and had a glass of wine with my dinner.  We topped the dinner off with a huge warm brownie with ice cream.  I really did waddle out to the car!  It was oh so worth it.  Was the perfect ending to a perfect day.  I spent most of it on the phone, but thats what made it so much fun.  I got to spent time out in my shop on Tues. and got all our Easter cards  Now I can start to work on a very special project for an upcoming wedding (Billy and Mitzi!)  and another  project I have been wanting to do.  Having so much fun now that I have 2 legs to walk on! and no wheel chair!  We are gonna have to take Ken' s new power chair in to see if we can get a cushion that is not so thick.  Right now he can not sit in it and fit under a table.  So to eat he has to sit far away from the table.  I will take it in next week and see what they can do...sure hope we can change out the seat cushion or the whole chair can be lowered some.  Ken is engrossed in MI-5 a British TV series about spies....not sure he even knows I am in the room....he loves this series.   Our love to all, and again, thank you all for a great birthday.  Ken and Glynda

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday aunt Moo Moo! We miss you! Love, marc and Shelly
