Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day

Here is Ken's new hydraulic lift on the back of the van.  It works real slick and sure makes my life oh so much nicer. We still have to have load shocks put on the rear so it doesnt drag when the chair is on.

I have loaded the chair and we are ready for our first outing with the chair.

I just wish that when I took a nap I could sleep this soundly.....she is dead to the world!

I have been making some pins - these are made from soda cans and cut out with my die cut machine and are multi layered so they are dimensional

Top of the mornin' to you all.....ok, thats about as Irish as I get.....all is quiet around here.  We have had some great weather mixed in with a few cold ones.  But I think that the cold is pretty much gone for  We had Lily stay with us this weekend.  I picked her up from school on Fri. and she stayed with us until Sun. afternoon.  It was such a delight to have her visit.  We watched movies and just relaxed.  Since I cant get out and do a lot we had to stay kinda quiet.  We made pizzas Fri. nite and on Sat. it was MooMoo Garden (aka Olive Garden).  It was a true Italian weekend.  Kitty went to New Orleans Fri-Sun. for a Cheer meet.  And this week Madi and her mom are in Calif. to see a doc regarding her arthritis.  My dad is having a procedure next Tues.  He is having an injection into his spine to see if they can pin point exactly where the problem is.  There are 3 or 4 bad spots on his spine so this may be a trial and error approach until they find the exact spot so they will know exactly where to do surgery.  Ken is doing pretty good.  He had fallen out of bed in his sleep back on Feb 28 and hurt his back...think he bruised a rib or pulled something.  Since then he has not been comfortable laying down, so he has slept in the chair everynite.  Hoping he will be able to come back to bed soon.  Know he is tired of sleeping in his chair.  Well, you are up to date on the Moon household.  Hope all have a great week...and hug/kiss those you love.   Love to all   Ken and Glynda :)

1 comment:

  1. Everybody look out - Daddy's got a brand new hot rod, and he's hitting the road!! Nice looking rig, by the way!)

