Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring has sprung!

Good glorious morning to you all.  I went outside this morning to feed our little Miss Kitty (outside kitty) and while enjoying the wonderful morning with here and some quiet time, I had my first hummingbird come up to the feeder for the season.  So I ran inside (ok, I wabbled - not ran) got the food and filled the feeder.  I havent seen it back yet, but at least I know they are on their way.  Then when I went out front to get the paper I noticed that I had my first iris bloom and several more ready to bloom.  I feel like the dark dull days of winter are over!!!!  I had a really nice weekend.  My sister was in town so got to spend some time with her on Friday along with Lily and Kitty.  Then Sat. I spent time with my dear friend Tina (who is moving to Colo. on Apr. 2)  and then on Sun. I joined her for a going away brunch given in her honor.  Course while I was out playing Ken was at home OD'ing on basketball games and NASCAR races.  Not sure he knew I was gone (LOL).  You women know what I am talking about.....  Over the next month I am planning on working on some 3-D flowers to be used on diffenent projects.  Will post as I get them done.  I have done a rose and amazed how it turned out.  This site that I go to - well the lady does unbelievable work and her methods make something that looks oh so hard, well she breaks the steps down to make it easy.  Thats it from here.  Ken is doing well.  Still some problems laying down to sleep so he is now sleeping in his new power chair.  He can lean it back like a recliner.  Our love to all.  Ken and Glynda :)

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