Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring is here.....

Hi everyone!  It is truly feeling like spring is here.  We had a couple of days where it was chilly but yesterday was 93 - so guess its more like summer is here instead of spring.  Today is cooler.  Everything here is covered in a layer of green pollen...oh so nice.  I am gonna get out today and do some yard work.  With my foot feeling so much better I am taking it easy but doing what yard work I can.  Know I will need some help around Ken's shop but think I can do the rest of it.  My dear friend Tina came out Thursday to spend some time with us before she moved to Colo.  Her daughter Claire flew in from Denver last nite, we picked her up from the airport at 11:45.  Came back to the house to get some sleep  and they headed out today  (driving) to Tina's new home in Greenwood Village (just outside Denver).  Yesterday Tina and I got out and "played".  We went to see HOP and then Tina got to do some shopping and use some gift cards she got as a going away present.  So we saw a movie, shopped, enjoyed some good coffee and just enjoyed out time together.  I am so sad to see her move but so excited for the adventure she is starting.  I went to the ortho doc on Tues. and got a good report.  I go back in 2 months and if all is well, that will probably be my last appt.  I just have to remember my foot is still tender and I will have to baby it for about 6 months, but at least I am wearing regular shoes and walking with out walker or cane.  Ken had to go to the doc on Mon.  He is having some swelling of his left leg which causes watery blisters to form and then they burst.  I was afraid that we were heading down the path we started 2 yrs. ago, but no.  The doc gave him an antibiotic to take just in case, but found no evidence of infection.  The leg sure looks a lot better today, still swollen but blisters are all gone and open blister healing up.  We also took his power chair in to see if we can get it lowered some.  It sits so tall that he cant get up under a table.  They can do some modification and lower it about an inch and a half.  Not a lot but maybe it will help.  Since the chair was built just for Ken it is just a tall chair.  My dad is going in for surgery on his back - cervical area.  Not sure when.  He goes to see the neurosurgeon on Fri. and will find out then.  I know he doesnt want surgery, but he has lost so much strength and use of his arm that he cant put it off.  Thats about it from here.  Guess I will get busy and go outside to work.  All our love to all.   Ken and Glynda

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