Saturday, April 16, 2011

Yahoo - spring is here!

Here are the Easter baskets I made for all the girls this year.  Disclaimer....Cherry - dont show these pics to the girls...want it to be a surprise!  I had bought really cute metal baskets this year with cut outs around the middle, but they didnt work as I had planned so hit my stash for love my metal can stash!

I used the test tubes that I used for Halloween.  Filled them with Star Burst jelly beans in pastel colors.

I just love using these cups on projects.  Here I filled the cup with M & M's and used as the center of my spring flowers.  I covered the back of the cup with foil, so makes it a lot easier to get at the candy (I usually use card stock) then hot glued the flower to a candy stick.  Looks good enough to eat!!!!!!!

This is just a little fun poke for the basket.  The egg is done in Dazzling Diamonds glitter - gotta have glitter!

Last but not least - a carrot.  Thank you Valita (valitasdesignsandfreshideas) for the idea.  I had already decided to do this carrot, but could not come up with greenery idea for the top of the carrot.  Then I visited her site and - oh yes - that's what I wanted.   The basket was then finished off with a cookies and cream bunny.  Hope the girls will enjoy.  The Easter bunny will be making his delivery on Thurs.  

Good Saturday morning to everyone.  Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and hope you enjoy time spent with those you love.  Its been a semi quiet week here.  I got out on Thurs. and did some weedwacking and some mowing.  Then I decided to tackle (and tackle is a very good choice of words!) the 4 shrubs along the back of our house that are in front of the bedroom windows.  Now they are "scalped", cut way way back, and our bedroom is actually 10 times brighter now that light can get thru!  Course this means I have one huge burn pile, and right now we have not idea when or even if we will be able to burn this year.  The last time I had a huge pile it was almost 3 years before I could burn.  I may look into renting a wood chipper for a day and just mulch it up.  Sure I can find a use for the mulch.  My foot is getting stronger every day.  I push myself on it, but the doc said to keep doing whatever it was that I was doing cause it was I am.  That's not to say that at nite I pay for it, but thats okay, cause I am on it more every day and pushing it to the limit.  I took Lily to a Dr. appt. yesterday.  I picked her up at noon, then we were thru about 1:15.  I didn't take her back to school, instead we went to the mall and walked around for about 45 min. window shopping  until the movie  RIO started.  It is such a cute movie.  We laughed all the way thru it.  Then we finished up the day with ice cream and was the perfect way to end a perfect day and week.  I am starting to work on roses for Billy and Mitzi's wedding.  I will post pics in the next few weeks, but will not post picture of actual "cake" until after the wedding.  I want it to be a surprise.  Better go for now.  Chores are a'callin me.  Love to all.  Ken and Glynda :)

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