Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a glorious Sunday

Here is a close up of one of the hummingbirds sitting in our tree.  He's the bladk spot towards the top of the picutre....I really had to   zoom in to get him.

Now he's coming in for a landing on one of the feeders. 

Proud of this close-up.  Those little wings are really flappin'

  Landed safely and time to eat.

Good morning everyone.  I was not so gently awaken this morning at 6:30 when Miss Kitty and Miss Ethel decided to go at it thru the about a lot of catter-wallowing!!!!!  Ok, Ok, I am up!  But after my feet hit the floor and I went out to enjoy my first cup of coffee with Miss Kitty while she had breakfast God sure did give me a great show.  The sun rose oh so brightly, and the critters were out in full force. The small bunnies are out and enjoying the fresh grass to nibble on.  I watched the very fat possum waddle across the back yard, climb the fence post and head over to my neighbors yard.  Miss Kitty decided she would follow it, but I was able to change her mind and keep her up on the porch.  The barn swallows are back in mass.  The cats love to sit at the back door and watch them...we call it their "kitty TV".  Ethel tried to climb the glass window the other day to get to them.  So now until fall my front and back porch will be messy from them.  The hummingbirds are back and spend a lot of time in the early AM feeding.  Hope you enjoyed the pics I took this morning.  I had to stop putting out bird seed for a while.  As soon as I fill up the feeders these black birds (dont know what they are) swarm the feeders and within a few hours they have emptied the feeders.  The cardinals, dove and other small birds get nothing.  So will wait a bit to put out food again and see if maybe they have moved on.  Things are pretty quiet here.  We are waiting to hear when my dad has back surgery.  He has an EMG on April 28 and then will follow up with surgeon in a week.  Guess that then they will discuss type of surgery and when.  Ken is doing pretty good.  He did not sleep well last nite and this morning I could not get him to wake up (or once awake to stay awake.)  Finally got him up and to the table about 10.  His sugar was low (82) but not dangerously low,so this and lack of sleep last nite, he just falls asleep as soon as he gets still for a few minutes. Know that today will be a sleepy kinda day for him.  Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this beautiful day.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures you posted. It must be very nice to see the hummingbird show every day. Thank you so much for sharing!!
