Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

As you all know, Miss Lucy loves to be on the table with me each morning as I have my quiet time or read.  Well, the morning of this picture  I walked around to tell her to get down and as I did she yawned oh so wide...looks like he is telling me what she thinks of my idea!  Oh, I am so proud of the way I am treated by the "children"....those of you with cats know exactly what I am talkin' about.

Here is a picture of Scott and his dad taken Sat. at their house. 

Here is Caelynn and Rachael the birthday girl.

Rachael was surprised with 2 full cans of silly string. 



This afternoon while I was preparing our dinner I looked out the kitchen window a road runner had come up to the edge of the porch.  I grabbed the camera and got this picture.  It ran off before I could get any more.

We wish each and everyone of you a very blessed and happy Easter.  What a wonderful day as we take a moment to thank our Lord for the resurrection of his Son.  We had a wonderful weekend.  Saturday was our grand daughter Rachael's 10th birthday.  We went over for a family celebration.  Today was a quiet afternoon.  Had a lovely morning at church and then we enjoyed an early dinner here.  Looks like a busy week so really enjoyed the quietness of today.  We are still praying for rain.  The ground is oh so dry.  For those of you that don't live here - there was a ban on outdoor grilling and even smoking at the local parks and state parks this weekend.  Its that DRY!  We so need the rain.  So for those of you that are enjoying rain....please share it with us and send it this way.    All our love to all,   Ken and Glynda  :)

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