Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lookin' like a party and loads of pictures

Lily is having her 9th birthday party on Sat. These are her party favor gift bags.  The bag topper says "Have a sweet celebration".  The bags are filled with a bottle of bubbles, gum, laffy taffy, M&M's and stickers.  They were sure fun to make...hardest part was keepin' Uncle Ken out of the candy!  The next 2 pics of different views of the bags.

Yep, thats glitter on them there party hats....cause we know Moo Moo cant make anything with out a touch (or more) of Dazzling Diamond Glitter!!!!!

Sorry for the glare.  Just wanted to show a close up of the bags.

Lucy was not happy that her momma had gone shopping without her.  I had emptied out the Hobby Lobby bag when she got in it and got her head stuck thru the handle and was trying to walk while trying to figure out why was the bag coming with her.  She was toooo funny.

Miss Kitty was up in the pecan tree earlier this week while I was sitting under it.  Not sure what she was licking - think it was her paw.  She had climbed up way to the top and was working her way down.

Miss Kitty thinks that the bird feeder and bird bath are her "Luby's Cafeteria".   There are 2 birds on the ground and it is taking every fiber of her being to stay still and not go leeping at them.  When I am outside I make sure to scare the birds away when she is in the attach mode.....and had already done so twice.  So guess she figured to just watch the birdies.

Think she is thinkin' "Ok, if I maintain this pose and stay really really still the birds will not see me and will come in for a drink....then I can pounce!"  She stood here for several minutes just staring at the water in the bird bath. 

And last but not least, one more hummingbird pic.  Yesterday I was sitting out in the yard just under the hummingbird feeder.  One came in to feed, and I was able to look up and snap this picture.

Hi everyone:  what a wonderful Sunday.  Church was up-lifting and then a cold front came in.....dropped the temp to the low 60's.  OMG- how wonderful.  But still we have no rain.  We are praying for rain like everyone in Travis County, but we dont want the horrific storms that have hit Ala. and Ga.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone and to our family and friends that live in those areas.  We had a quiet week this week,  but this next week is a busy one.  Ken has an appt. on Wed. for cardio-vascular doctor to have study done on left leg.  He's having some swelling and we cant seem to get it to resolve itself so our family doc wants him to see cardio-vas doctor.  Sat. Lily is having her 9th birthday party at a local skating rink.  You can bet that Moo Moo will NOT be on skates.   On Sun. we will go to our grand-daughter Rachael's dance recital.  So that will be a busy weekend for us. Fun, but busy.  As I was telling friends Sat. we must get children.....cause we are taking way to many pictures of the "girls" (aka cats).  But they make us laugh so much and give us oh so many photo hope you enjoy the pics.  All our love.   Ken and Glynda :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh!! Nice party favors!!!! Great job!!! I just love your blog Glynda, you are doing really well. If you remember, can you bring an example of the teacher's gift you are making?
    Good luck on Ken's appt.
    Love, Deb
