Monday, May 30, 2011


Happy Memorial Day to everyone.  I hope you all have a very special day.  We want to take a moment to thank everyone who has served in the armed forces to protect our country and our liberties.  Thank you is a very small word but know that we appreciate all you have done. 

I was asked to make some note cards for a gift.  Here are a couple of pictures of them.  I will not show them all as it will identify the receipent and I dont want them to know its them until they get the gift.  Once they have been received I will show them all.

Here is my garden for summer 2011.  I had hoped to have a real garden this year but the broken heel pretty much nixed that idea.  I have two pots of tomatos and 2 pots of green bell peppers

 I already have 2 tomatoes and 2 more tiny ones forming on this plant.  The other 2 in the yellow pot have not bloomed yet so no tomotoes yet.

This is my first bell peppers to grow.  Anxious to see how they do

Miss Kitty joined me on the porch last nite while I was enjoying the cool breeze - think she was enjoying it as well

Life is pretty quiet around the Moon household these days.  We have been without a/c for a week but the repairman will be out tomorrow between 12 ande 5!  Yahoo.  With the windows open, the ceiling fans on and 2 oscillating fans going it hasnt been bad. Ok, not great - but tolerable.  Mornings and nites have been nice, but between 1 an 7 it has gotten a bit warm!!!  I have been out in the shop doing a bit of work...its a/c is working great.  I have had several projects to work on so its nice to be out in the shop.  We have a busy week next week.  I see the ortho doc on Tues. and hope that he gives me a good report and I will be released from his care.  I still have some issues - swelling, some pain, but he had said in March that it would take 6 to 8 months.   Then on Thurs. Ken sees the eye doc for some distortion and blurriness in his left eye.  We will also be scheduling cataract surgery on his right eye.   On Wed. Kitty graduates from grade school (5th grade) to middle school at 8:30 and then at 1 Madison graduates from middle school (8th grade) to high school.  It is so hard to believe that next year Cherry will have kids in grade school, middle school and high school.  Seems like yesterday that Cherry was in grade school....

Ken has been in hog heaven this weekend.  He had car races on Sat. and 2 - yes 2 on Sunday.  He watched the Indy 500 and then we both watched the Nascar race.  I was so excited when it looked like my driver Greg Biffle was gonna win!!! It would have been his first race to win this year.  But at the last minute he was running out of gas and had to make a pit stop....and then 2 more drivers ran out of gas at the finish line!!!  It was an exciting end for sure and kept us on the edge of our seats until the end of the race. 

Wishing all a safe and fun day.  All our love,  Ken and Glynda   :)                      

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