Monday, June 6, 2011

...and so summer begins!

This is the only pic I got of Kitty that was not a BLURRRRRRRR!  She just zoomed around so fast.  After the graduation ceremony all the "graduates" walk thru the halls and around the school.  Here the walk had just started and I got a quick snap.  She looked so great in her little black lace dress.  MooMoo is so proud of you sweet girl.

Here is a pic of the proud parents - Cherry and Jason.  Next to Cherry is her dad Randall (short sleeve shirt).

Madison standing in line waiting to go on stage and get her certificate.  Doesnt she look like a movie star!

Here is a pic of momma and daughter.  They are both so beautiful!

Happy Monday to all.  Can't believe that school is out and summer time has begun!  Didn't school just start?  Last Wed. Madi graduated from middle school and will enter high school this year.  Kitty graduated grade school and will enter middle school this year.  Wow!!!  We are in the midst of having a whole new a/c heating system installed.  They came out Friday and gave us the cost...ok, there goes summer on the yatch.  Oh well, the exsisting unit is only 28 years old...guess it is time to put in a new system.  Just waiting now to find out when they will be here to start the work.  I really started feeling my age this past week when I heard from Julie Berman...wife of the Ortho surgeon I used to work for.   In Aug. he will celebrate 30 years in practice.  I went to work for him in 84 - 27 years ago.  Just does not seem possible.  I swear I am not older than 30 myself!!!!!  I am busy working on the 3 tiered wedding cake - about 1/2 way done and I will post pictures when I get it done. Ken is scheduled for June 30 to have his cataract removed from his right eye then he will go in several weeks later for the left eye.  I told him the bad thing about having this done is that he will see how old I actually look....Been trying to convience him I still look 40!!!! ok, ok, that I still look 50.   Enjoyed having you stop in for a visit.  Hug those close to you.   Love to all,  Glynda and Ken :)

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