Thursday, November 25, 2010

A very happy turkey day!

Hello to all - hope you have all had a great day enjoying good food, friends and family. We had all the fixins' so right now we are both OD'd on food.  I will have to wait a while before I even eat dessert.   We are watching the Cowboys/Saints game.  Well, Ken is watching it more than me...I have been on the phone.  Looks like the Cowboys will loose another one!  The cold front has hit Austin.  Feels like winter out there tonite.  I had to finally close all the windows in the house.  I have had them open for a while.  If the weather is nice tomorrow I will go into Bastrop to a Arts/Craft show they are having.  I dont mind cold as long as there is not gale force winds like we are having right now.  I have had several of you say that you are having trouble leaving comments.  Not sure how to fix it so here is what you will need to do: on Comments at the end of the post
2.type in your comment an then under the comment box you will see comment as - click on this
3. click on name/url - type in your name (dont worry about url) and hit continue button
4. click on post comment
4. type the word verification
5. comment is posted

Hope this makes it all clear as mud!  I will continue to work on how to send comment to make it easier. 

No pics for you today.  Will get some out soon.  All our love to all.  Ken and Glynda :)

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