Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear family and friends:  as I sit here tonite writing to you I am thinking of all that we have to be thankful for.  First of all we are so thankful for each and every one of you.  You have blessed us many times over with your prayers, well wishes, support, encouragement and love.  From the bottom of our hearts we thank you.  We are also so thankful that Ken is on the road to recovery.  He is getting stronger each and every day.  He is wearing the leg and getting use to it, he is having less discomfort each and every day.  We went in last Friday and they tweeked the leg and now it fits so much better.  We will have to go in periodically over the next year as his stump shrinks and reshapes itself.  This has been a really long year for us, but God has blessed us with the strength and faith to endure and face each hurdle that came along.  I am blessed with a husband who was strong enough to face and accept a very big hurdle this year and he has faced it with a lot of grace.  I am oh so very proud of him!  I know that the holidays are here cause last nite I got the Williams-Sonoma catalog in the mail and I came straight in and ordered my Peppermint hot chocolate and handmade vanilla marshmallows!!!!  Yahoo.  Cant wait for them to arrive.  The leaves are turning a golden yellow and all falling to the ground....need to "rake" the driveway tomorrow to get it clean.  I have been spending hours and hours out in the shop...and boy does it look like it!  I can say this for sure - I am not a neat crafter.  I have made 48 glitter glass tree ornaments for our tree, finished up over 50 cards, and I am now making teacher gifts and some other gifts.  I will get some pics and send them out in the next few days.  I have tried to attach pics of Ken's new leg and his test drive but I cant seem to get the pictures to link up with the blog.  Since I had the computer fixed I havent been able to get to my pics. I'll keep trying.   We wish each of you a very happy Thanksgiving.  Take the time to remember family who can not be with you, and love on the ones near.  All our love - Ken and Glynda :)

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