Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ken Update

Today we went and saw one of Dr. Blaise's partners for the spot on Ken's incision.  We will go back on Monday and see Dr. Blaise.  He was out of the office this week.  Dr. Westmoreland gave Ken a script for antibiotic to take.  He felt that it was most likely a suture but he said that it may be that Dr. Blaise has to make a small incksion and open the spot up.  Luckily there is no fever or redness so that is a good thing.  Until we get the all clear from Dr. Blaise Ken will not be able to go back to physical therapy.  Hoping we will know more on Monday.  After we left the office we took my laptop to Best Buys to be seen by the Geek Squad.  Monday it just quit!  There is a virus in there, but it may also be my hard drive.  They will check it out and if it is my hard drive, they will stop and call us.  This means I will have to get a new computer.  May just be a software problem and this they can fix.  So hoping to know something by the end of next week.  I got out in the shop tonite and vaccumed the place up - had to get all the glitter off the tabletop, the floor, chairs, everything!!!!!  Hope all has a great week.  We will let you know more once we see Dr. Blaise on Monday.  Love to all, Ken and Glynda

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