Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I found the pictures!!!

Ok, I found the pictures - I'm still trying to "find" everything since my computer was worked on.  They are probably in the right spots but I am not used to them being there.  Thought that you would like to see Ken giving his new leg a test drive....he's doing great on it.  And I thought that I would give y'all a picture of Ethel.  She is good sometimes....when she is not shredding a box or toliet paper!  We watch Nova and Nature on Sun. evenings.  She loves the shows when they have wild animals on it.  Last Sun. was about dogs, and she was sitting in front of the TV watching the show.  She will sit there for an hour.  We even caught her reaching up to touch the TV... she is to funny.  Enjoy the pics.  Love, Ken and Glynda