Saturday, November 27, 2010

OOOOOH What A Day!

First of all - I am still high from the Arkansas win over LSU!!!!  OMG - it took everything in me to not just scream and yell at the top of my lungs....the "girls" (Lucy and Ethel) are so glad.  When I start to hootin' and a hollerin' they go into hiding.  The Auburn win yesterday and the Razorbacks today - what a weekend.  It has been a great day here.  I was sitting out on the back porch this morning with my coffee when a hummingbird (oh yes, I did say hummingbird) flew up to my feeder.  It was empty (I am late in taking them down this year) so I ran in the house and mixed up a cup of food.  It came back and ate some.  With the 2 freezes we have had the last couple of nites I was so surprised that any were still hanging around.  The cardinals and a few other birds were out on the feeder and Miss Kitty was feelin' like it was Lubys.  I had to keep getting on to her while I was out there.  To get back at me she would go over under the shrubs and roll in the dirt until her beautiful black coat was dirty brown and then just look at me.   I have wanted to show you some of the projects I have been working on and finally got them off the camera and into the computer.  The purses hold 4 full size note cards with envelopes.  They are so cute.  I am working now on smaller purses that will hold 3x3 note cards and envelopes. The box holds 3 Ferrero Rocher Hazelnut chocolates.  The box is part of the card.  The flap on the right side holds a mini card that will say Merry Christmas when I get around to stamping it.  Then I had to show you the party favor box I made for Kitty's 11th birthday party.  Someone - not sure who - took the pixie sticks out of the box before I took the pic!  The box is made up of gorgeous very glittery paper and it just shimmers.  Wish it showed up in the pics.  Just use your imagination.  I also thought that I would enclose a picture of Miss Kitty.  Since Lucy and Ethel get time thought that she should too.   For Christmas I would love to find her a food dish with a low jack on it.  Something keeps coming up to the porch and taking her food dish.  In the last 2 months we have gone through 5 bowls.  I dont leave them out when we go to bed, but whoever or whatever comes up at any time..... Guess I am gonna have to put a kitty cam on the back porch and see what is stealing the bowls.  They dont take the water dish....just the food dish.  The scary thing is is that I can not find them anywhere in the yard so they are going...who knows where.  Well Ken is back in front of the telly - Okla vs Okla State is on so I want see him for several hours!!!!  You wives know what I am talkin' about!!  Can't complain - he put up with my smack talkin' during the Ark. game.  Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.  Hug your loved ones.    Ken and Glynda :)

1 comment:

  1. Love your crafts, especially the purses. Glad you are getting to play.
