Saturday, November 27, 2010

Oh no she didnt!

Okay, we have to get children....we are having to many pics of cats on the blog... but Ken just went into the bedroom and he found this mess on the bed...and Ethel is no where to be found!  Guess we are gonna have to start hiding the toliet paper!!!  And this close to Christmas - someone needs to tell her that Santa knows when she has been good (oh wait - she hasn't!) and when she has been naughty ...... tee hee hee.  I hope I have made you laugh...we are still laughing here.   Ken and Glynda

OOOOOH What A Day!

First of all - I am still high from the Arkansas win over LSU!!!!  OMG - it took everything in me to not just scream and yell at the top of my lungs....the "girls" (Lucy and Ethel) are so glad.  When I start to hootin' and a hollerin' they go into hiding.  The Auburn win yesterday and the Razorbacks today - what a weekend.  It has been a great day here.  I was sitting out on the back porch this morning with my coffee when a hummingbird (oh yes, I did say hummingbird) flew up to my feeder.  It was empty (I am late in taking them down this year) so I ran in the house and mixed up a cup of food.  It came back and ate some.  With the 2 freezes we have had the last couple of nites I was so surprised that any were still hanging around.  The cardinals and a few other birds were out on the feeder and Miss Kitty was feelin' like it was Lubys.  I had to keep getting on to her while I was out there.  To get back at me she would go over under the shrubs and roll in the dirt until her beautiful black coat was dirty brown and then just look at me.   I have wanted to show you some of the projects I have been working on and finally got them off the camera and into the computer.  The purses hold 4 full size note cards with envelopes.  They are so cute.  I am working now on smaller purses that will hold 3x3 note cards and envelopes. The box holds 3 Ferrero Rocher Hazelnut chocolates.  The box is part of the card.  The flap on the right side holds a mini card that will say Merry Christmas when I get around to stamping it.  Then I had to show you the party favor box I made for Kitty's 11th birthday party.  Someone - not sure who - took the pixie sticks out of the box before I took the pic!  The box is made up of gorgeous very glittery paper and it just shimmers.  Wish it showed up in the pics.  Just use your imagination.  I also thought that I would enclose a picture of Miss Kitty.  Since Lucy and Ethel get time thought that she should too.   For Christmas I would love to find her a food dish with a low jack on it.  Something keeps coming up to the porch and taking her food dish.  In the last 2 months we have gone through 5 bowls.  I dont leave them out when we go to bed, but whoever or whatever comes up at any time..... Guess I am gonna have to put a kitty cam on the back porch and see what is stealing the bowls.  They dont take the water dish....just the food dish.  The scary thing is is that I can not find them anywhere in the yard so they are going...who knows where.  Well Ken is back in front of the telly - Okla vs Okla State is on so I want see him for several hours!!!!  You wives know what I am talkin' about!!  Can't complain - he put up with my smack talkin' during the Ark. game.  Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend.  Hug your loved ones.    Ken and Glynda :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A very happy turkey day!

Hello to all - hope you have all had a great day enjoying good food, friends and family. We had all the fixins' so right now we are both OD'd on food.  I will have to wait a while before I even eat dessert.   We are watching the Cowboys/Saints game.  Well, Ken is watching it more than me...I have been on the phone.  Looks like the Cowboys will loose another one!  The cold front has hit Austin.  Feels like winter out there tonite.  I had to finally close all the windows in the house.  I have had them open for a while.  If the weather is nice tomorrow I will go into Bastrop to a Arts/Craft show they are having.  I dont mind cold as long as there is not gale force winds like we are having right now.  I have had several of you say that you are having trouble leaving comments.  Not sure how to fix it so here is what you will need to do: on Comments at the end of the post
2.type in your comment an then under the comment box you will see comment as - click on this
3. click on name/url - type in your name (dont worry about url) and hit continue button
4. click on post comment
4. type the word verification
5. comment is posted

Hope this makes it all clear as mud!  I will continue to work on how to send comment to make it easier. 

No pics for you today.  Will get some out soon.  All our love to all.  Ken and Glynda :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I found the pictures!!!

Ok, I found the pictures - I'm still trying to "find" everything since my computer was worked on.  They are probably in the right spots but I am not used to them being there.  Thought that you would like to see Ken giving his new leg a test drive....he's doing great on it.  And I thought that I would give y'all a picture of Ethel.  She is good sometimes....when she is not shredding a box or toliet paper!  We watch Nova and Nature on Sun. evenings.  She loves the shows when they have wild animals on it.  Last Sun. was about dogs, and she was sitting in front of the TV watching the show.  She will sit there for an hour.  We even caught her reaching up to touch the TV... she is to funny.  Enjoy the pics.  Love, Ken and Glynda

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear family and friends:  as I sit here tonite writing to you I am thinking of all that we have to be thankful for.  First of all we are so thankful for each and every one of you.  You have blessed us many times over with your prayers, well wishes, support, encouragement and love.  From the bottom of our hearts we thank you.  We are also so thankful that Ken is on the road to recovery.  He is getting stronger each and every day.  He is wearing the leg and getting use to it, he is having less discomfort each and every day.  We went in last Friday and they tweeked the leg and now it fits so much better.  We will have to go in periodically over the next year as his stump shrinks and reshapes itself.  This has been a really long year for us, but God has blessed us with the strength and faith to endure and face each hurdle that came along.  I am blessed with a husband who was strong enough to face and accept a very big hurdle this year and he has faced it with a lot of grace.  I am oh so very proud of him!  I know that the holidays are here cause last nite I got the Williams-Sonoma catalog in the mail and I came straight in and ordered my Peppermint hot chocolate and handmade vanilla marshmallows!!!!  Yahoo.  Cant wait for them to arrive.  The leaves are turning a golden yellow and all falling to the ground....need to "rake" the driveway tomorrow to get it clean.  I have been spending hours and hours out in the shop...and boy does it look like it!  I can say this for sure - I am not a neat crafter.  I have made 48 glitter glass tree ornaments for our tree, finished up over 50 cards, and I am now making teacher gifts and some other gifts.  I will get some pics and send them out in the next few days.  I have tried to attach pics of Ken's new leg and his test drive but I cant seem to get the pictures to link up with the blog.  Since I had the computer fixed I havent been able to get to my pics. I'll keep trying.   We wish each of you a very happy Thanksgiving.  Take the time to remember family who can not be with you, and love on the ones near.  All our love - Ken and Glynda :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ken Update

Today we went and saw one of Dr. Blaise's partners for the spot on Ken's incision.  We will go back on Monday and see Dr. Blaise.  He was out of the office this week.  Dr. Westmoreland gave Ken a script for antibiotic to take.  He felt that it was most likely a suture but he said that it may be that Dr. Blaise has to make a small incksion and open the spot up.  Luckily there is no fever or redness so that is a good thing.  Until we get the all clear from Dr. Blaise Ken will not be able to go back to physical therapy.  Hoping we will know more on Monday.  After we left the office we took my laptop to Best Buys to be seen by the Geek Squad.  Monday it just quit!  There is a virus in there, but it may also be my hard drive.  They will check it out and if it is my hard drive, they will stop and call us.  This means I will have to get a new computer.  May just be a software problem and this they can fix.  So hoping to know something by the end of next week.  I got out in the shop tonite and vaccumed the place up - had to get all the glitter off the tabletop, the floor, chairs, everything!!!!!  Hope all has a great week.  We will let you know more once we see Dr. Blaise on Monday.  Love to all, Ken and Glynda

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ken's New Leg

We went yesterday - Monday - and Ken was fitted for his new leg.  It will take some getting use to for him.  He was told to wear it for an hour or 2 every day to start  and work up in time wearing it.  We go back to the prothesis company on the 19th to see if any tweeking needs to be done.  I think there will be some.  There are a couple of spots that bother Ken and he feels like it is slightly higher than  the other leg.  Right now I am worried about a spot on his incision.  He has healed beautifully, but a spot has arisen on the incision site.  Originally I thought that the spot was where a piece of suture was working through but not sure.  We go to the Dr's on Thurs. to have it checked out.  I took pictures of him yesterday giving the leg a test run, but since I cant get my computer to turn on and I am posting this from Ken's computer I don't have access to my pictures.  It is looking like I may have to call in the Geek Squad to look at the computer....I have been out in the shop - its startin' to look like Christmas out there...not sure if its the paper all over the floor or the glitter that I have E V E R Y W H E R E!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I do mean everywhere.  I have been making Christmas tree ornaments and the are so glittery.  And so pretty.  For the crafters out there - go to your craft store (mine was Hobby Lobby) and buy a bottle of Beacon's Glitter It Adhesive.  It is a clear glue.  I pour it into a clear glass ornament, swirl it around gently drain out the access, and then pour in my fine glitter, give it a good shake and WOW - a beautiful glass ornament.  I just finished a dozen today.  Hit Hobby Lobby yesterday - got 12 glass ornaments for 2.99 (they were 5.99 and I got them for 1/2 off).  This is a great project for kids (with adult supervision) or for adults who just want to have fun.  I will post pics when I can get my computer to work.  Love to all.  Ken and Glynda  :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Its starting to feel like fall!!

Wow! Today it feels like fall is arriving to Austin.  I had to get out and about today to run some errands and the themometer in the van read 56 degrees.  Yahoo.  It is a bit rainy and drizzily but thats okay.  We sure do need the rain.  I have a burn pile to burn but its been so dry we have been under a burn ban.  Now I will be able to burn.  That will make it feel more like the smell of burning leaves.  Ken is still doing his therapy - they really give him a workout but thats okay - it just makes him stronger.  We are waiting to hear about his leg - should be in in another week.  And we are still waiting to hear about a power chair.  Medicare sure takes it time to determine if he qualifies for one.  It will probably be another 3-5 weeks before we get word and then 2 weeks to get the chair if they approve it.  Hope all the kiddos had fun Trick or Treatin' this year.  We loved all the pics that everyone sent.  So much fun to look at.  I dont have pictures to send this time, but wanted to just say hi to everyone and to thank you all for all the prayers and good wishes you have sent our way.  All our love to everyone.   Ken and Glyndea :)