Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy Spring!

Well, for all of us Spring Break has come and gone!  We had Kitty and Lily come and spend the week with us.  Hours were spent playing with the 10 zillion tadpoles in the pond and in the tree house.  The kitties have finally come out of hiding....Lucy has become really bold and I think has actually bonded with Lily.  She would get up in the chair when we were having dinner and butt her head into Lily's butt and want to be petted.  She would even get up on the couch for some petting.....like - who is she!!!!!  Miss Kitty (the cat) would come out at her usual time of 9 pm for dinner but Ethel - well she hid for the week!  My sister spent the weekend here to help celebrate my birthday.  To all of you who called, sent cards and who sent facebook messages or text - thank you for making me feel so extra special.  Of course on Sat. my birthday I kept waiting for my "children" to step up and make breakfast but alas, NO they did not.  But they sure did want me to give them their morning treats.  I went to a quilt show on Friday.  What a grand time I had.  Really got me in the mood to quilt and get back to sewing.  I have finally found my sewing machine so now I can make new pillow covers for the couch and new covers for patio furniture.  On Sat. Beckie and I got out and hit the Azalea Trails arts and craft show.  We each bought a couple of things.  Then we walked thru some of the beautiful backyards that are open during the azalea trails.  For those of you who have never been these are old homes that are absolutely beautiful and the yards are ablaze in blooms.  We then went back to the quilt show.  I had to pick up a small wall quilt I had won in a silent auction, went to a flea market, lunch, then hit 3 clothing stores and finally a resale/antique shop.  It was so grand getting to spend the day with my sister and just "play".  Then we picked up Ken and joined mother and daddy for birthday dinner.  My mom baked her awesome coconut cream pie for me.  This is what I want for my birthday cake....  By the end of the nite I was so tired and so full was not sure I could drive us home before I fell asleep.  The weather here has been glorious.  Really feeling like spring.  We have had some good rains.  Our pond which was empty when we bought the house is now full to the brim.  And I noticed Fri. that we have a whole new crop of tadpoles hatched.....if all these frogs make it....OMG!!!!!!  We are settling in and feel right at home.  I am loving having everything close at hand.  Most of everything we need is about 5-10 minutes away.  So different than living in Webberville and driving 30 - 60 min. to get anywhere. Lily tried out for her school play and got the lead!  So proud of her.  The play is in May so we will head to Austin for a couple of days.  Then before we know it school will be out and the girls will be back for a sumer visit.  Kitty's cheer group has been doing great.  Out of the last 3 competions they have placed 1st in 2 of them.  To awesome!  Madison went to her first Military ball a couple of months ago.  She was absolutely beautiful and Dalton, her boyfriend was absolutely handsome. Miss you all and hope to see you during the summer.  Ken and Glynda

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Howdy - I'm back

Hi everyone.  I am finally back to my blog.  Since we moved in the week of Christmas life has been crazy.  I had to get a new laptop which I am oh so trying to learn.....as of yet I cant load pictures into the computer so this blog today will have no pics.  It took us a bit longer to get into the house so we ended up staying 3 weeks in the hotel instead of 10 days.  We got settled in and then the end of December Ken got sick and he had to go into the hospital for a week but he came home and all is fine now.  We have been continually blessed in this move.  One of my big concerns was finding doctors here but the Lord opened doors and we have found a wonderful internist and with Ken's hospitalization we have been hooked up with a great urologist and cardiologist.  Our family doctor has Ken in physical therapy right now 2 days a week.  His upper body is getting stronger and they have him up on his walker going about 20 feet.  He comes home Tues/Thurs really tired but its the good kinda tired.  I still have unpacking to do but took a break from it so now I must get back to it and get serious about finishing it.  We have had some wonderful rain here so our pond is filling up.  When we  bought the house the pond was bone dry but now it is about half full and oh so full of tadpoles.  We will be having a bumper crop of frogs this year!  This week has been spring break.  Kitty and Lily were here for the week.  We loved having them here.  They had a chance to get "to know" the house as Kitty says and spend time playing in the tree house and pond.  They caught lots of tadpoles but then released them "back into the wild". We visited a large cat reserve here in Tyler.  They have 42 big cats - tigers, lions, bobcats, leopards etc.  We have 3 large trees that we aren't sure about.  With the drought last year these 3 may not make it.  So far they have not budded out.  One in the front and 2 in the back but the backporch.  My friend Tina from Colo. came to visit us in Feb. and then my friend Judy has been in from Calif. since Jan. so I've had a chance to visit with old friends.  I've not had a chance to do a lot of stamping or crafting.  I did make 75 valentine treats for the girls for school.  Hoping to get in soon and do Easter cards.  I have now found my sewing machine so I can start making new cushions for outside furniture and some pillows for sofa.  I stepped way out of my comfort zone in colors for our new house.  Love the new blue hues.  The house seems to be so very calming now.   Well, guess I should close for now and get our dinner cooked.  Time to be the "domestic goddess".  Love to all our friends and family.  We miss you all.  But we are enjoying our new adventure.  The welcome mat is out for everyone to come and see us.  The Moon B and B is open and ready for business.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The end is near!!!

Yes - the end is near.  The new floors are in, the painters finished tonite (Sunday).  the movers arrive tomorrow as do our appliances and new chair/ottoman.  I am hoping that the sofa arrives on Wed. which means we will have a sofa by Christmas.  If not, well, I do have 16 folding chairs!!!!!  We are planning on having the new walk in shower installed on Wed/Thurs and then on Fri. we can have the pedestal sink and new toliet installed in the master bath.  After the furniture is in I will take pics and post them.  I went with a really pretty colors.  I choose Sherwin Williams Breezy (the lite color) and Labrodite (the darker color) for the house.  I really have stepped out of my "comfort zone" as far as color is concerned.  My sister really helped me with the color choices.  Our kitties have done well with the move.  Miss Kitty is in the same room right now with Lucy and Ethel.  I put her in the really big dog kennel (made for a golden retrevier size dog) at nite. Not sure I trust them not to have a tussell if I am not there.    Lucy and Ethel just plan ignore her - they make no eye contact.... there have been a few growls and a couple of paw jabs  from Lucy towards Miss Kitty but thats all.  I dont know how it will work out when they have free range of the house but we will see.  We plan on spending our first nite in our new home on Tues.  Wed. will be 3 weeks here and we are ready to check out of the hotel....but must admit I will miss HGTV!!!!!, housekeeping and the breakfast buffet every morning.  But it will be oh so nice to sleep in my bed again.  I am sitting here watching the final hour of Survivor.  I want Coach to win....but since the jury doesnt want to vote for anyone!!!!! should be an interesting final.  Once we check out from the hotel we will not have internet for a while.  We havent got one signed up yet for the house - so the only way to get hold of us is my cell -512 657 0660 or home number 903 561 8613.  Since I will not be posting until after Christmas Ken and I wish each and everyone of you a blessed and joyous Christmas and ask that we all remember the Reason for the Season....to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior.   We love and miss you all.   Ken and Glynda  :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

We got moved!

Dear Friends and Family:  well, we got moved on Wednesday.  Ethel and Lucy were sedated for the whole trip and Miss Kitty, well, she must have known that we were moving cause she was ready.  I had brought her into the house on Wed. while I was doing last minute things.  When I went in to get her she was already laying asleep in her crate.  She meowed a few times and got quiet for the whole trip.  We droped them off at the house before we went to closing.  Went back to check on them that evening.  While at the house Ethel had a seizure which really scared the ### out of me.  She seems to be doing okay now.  She is still really freaked/stressed out - not adjusting like Lucy and Miss Kitty.  We are watching her really close.  There is a vet about 5 miunutes from the house and I plan to stop by and see them tomorrow to see if we need to bring her in.  We are still at the hotel.  Will probably be here for at least 2 more weeks.  The floor guy starts tomorrow and should be done by Thurs. and then hoping the painter can start asap.  Should take them 3-5 days to paint.  Then we can start to move in the furniture and finally live in our house!!!!!  My sister in law Margaret is in town so she helped me unpack the kitchen on Thurs.  Then my sister/ personal interior decorator came in Fri. to help me unpack.  We got out Sat. and hit 11 - yep - 11 stores.  Bought a new sofa and chair for the living room.  Beckie has encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and have chosen some really pretty colors for the house.  We had the living room to hallway door, master bedroom door and the master bath door widened to 36" to make Ken getting thru them easier.  We also had the toliet and vanity removed.  Once the new floor is in we will put in new toliet and a pedestal sink.  Then we just have to wait for the new walk in shower to be put in.  We still have to come back to Webberville so that we can empty out Ken's shop.  That should take a day or 2.  Lots to do over the next 4-6 weeks, but then we will fell somewhat settled in.  Missing all our friends and family in Austin.  Hope everyone will have a wonderful Christmas season and enjoy the time with your family.   Love to all Ken and Glynda :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Its a wild time at the Moon household!

Dear family and friends:  Can't believe that it has been almost a month since I last posted.  Life here has been extremely WILD the last 4-6 weeks.  We are moving to Tyler (actually the Noonday community) Nov. 30.  We have been blessed by God in oh so many ways.  We sold our house and never listed it with a realtor.  A nurse I knew from working at Seton - her mom is moving back to the Austin area and she came out, liked our house and bought it.  The movers are here on the 28th to load up the furniture, we close with her on Nov. 29 then the next day we head to Tyler and in the afternoon close on the new house.  It will be fast and furious for a few days but think its gonna be the hardest on our 3 kitties.....talk about being traumatized!!!!!  Then the first 10 days we will have new flooring put in, bath remodel, painting and then we will be able to have furniture unloaded.  We had first thought we would just rough it at the house but with all the work to be done we are just gonna stay at the hotel for the first 10 days.  I didnt think we would need to repaint right away, but when we were in Tyler yesterday measuring for flooring, I got to see the walls after pictures were down and some furniture out....needs to be redone.  So my sister (aka my interior designer) helped me with wall color choices and floor choices.  In the spring/summer we will have outside painted and new kitchen counter top installed.  We will have 1.5 acres so lots of room to spread out.  There is a really nice pond on the property....albeit a dry pond right now...but maybe someday we will have enough rain to fill it back up.  After we get settled in I will take pictures and post, but until then probably not a lot of pictures.  We have been using PODS to load/store all the boxes and stuff from the house.  Once they are filled they pick it up and bring out a new one.  Then the pods are delivered to the new house on the dates we have selected.  So first 2 pods will be delivered on Dec. 1 and the 3rd one delivered on Dec. 6 with movers there on Dec 9 to unload furniture.  Its bee easy for me to pack up a few boxes, load on the dolly and zip them out.  The house is about 1/2 or a little more packed (not including furniture) and so is my shop.  So will fill up the new pod that was delivered today over the next few weeks.  I am really purging thru our stuff, but still....OMG, where did all this stuff come from!!!!! Someone has been sneaking into our home and stashing their stuff... Yesterday we had new garage doors installed.  Really makes the front of the house look so nice.  Know Junell (new home owner) will enjoy them.  Last nite Mr. Moon had some excitement.  Since I was in Tyler he went outside to feed Miss Kitty.  He went out on the power chair and then he could not get back in the house.  He was outside from 7 to almost 9.  He finally got in but while trying to get back in he had to make sure the 2 inside kitties did not get out.  I felt helpless in Tyler and the neighbors were out last nite, so glad Ken was able to get back in.  If he had been in his manual chair there would have been no problems....lesson learned!  Shall close for now.  Over the next week I will try and post update on packing/moving status.  Love to all....Ken and Glynda :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rain, Rain....we had rain!!!!!

Kitty spent her 3 day weekend with us and while here we made soap.  Here is a sampling of her work.  We got a kit at Hobby Lobby, then added additional fragrance and speciality mold.  We did ovals, turtles, frogs, purses, hi heels, and flip flops.  Super easy and she did a great job.  Think that we are going to make some for Christmas gifts for her friends and she wants to make some for her birthday goodie bags. We did some in clear glycerine with color added and some with white glycerine with color added for a totally different look.  We even made some with 2 or 3 different color layers.

We made chocolate chip cookies for dessert Sat. nite.  Decorated them for Halloween.....spooky huh!

Kitty found a glass lantern in the craft drawer so she painted a fall scene - leaves and pumpkins.  She was in a craftin' mood this weekend.

Here she is modeling her first attempt at making a skirt.  She did the straight sewing, I did the elastic waist.  Think she did a super great job.

Well, it was so exciting when we actually had a day of rain.  It very briefly sprinkled on Sat. but Sun. OMG - it rained on and off all day.  We got a great soaking and there is even some traces of green grass in the yard.  With luck I will even have to mow in a few weeks.  We had a lovely trip to Tyler and had a good visit with Ken's sister Margaret - you may remember her from the last post - the one in the hula skirt.....(sorry Margaret, couldnt resist) and a good visit with my parents.  Even got to visit with our niece that lives in Van and went to her garage sale.  Got some great counted cross stitch pattern books.  Now to find some quiet time to do some stitchin'.  Getting ready to work on Kitty's birthday invitations for her 12th birthday and come up with an idea for her party favors.  Hard to believe that she will be 12 this year....course hard to believe that her sister Madi will be 15 in Jan.  Weren't they just born!!!!!  My favorite time of year is near.  Love the fall season.  Better get busy now and think about Thanksgiving and Christmas!  Love to all - remember to hug those close to you.  Ken and Glynda :)

Friday, September 30, 2011

A beautiful Georgia wedding

Here are the bride and groom - Billy and Mitzi Allen - both were oh so beautiful!

Here are the proud parents of the groom - Billy and Mary Allen - Mary is Ken's sister

This is a view of the ocean that was the backdrop for the wedding - absolutely wonderful

The minister is Mitzi's brother - he did the service in English and Hawaiian - He did a beautiful service

Here is the "cake box" I made for everyone to put their envelopes/cards in -  I was very happy with the way it turned out - the roses are so pretty

Here is my sister in law, Margaret, (in the pink top) doing the hula.  Part of the reception were hula dancers and at one point they asked guests to get up and join in.

At the reheresal dinner on Friday nite we had bar-b-que and a Low Country Boil.  There was oysters, and the boil consisted of corn on the cob, potatoes, shrimp and sausage.  Ken was in hog heaven with the oysters.

SLURPPPPPPPPPPPPP!  Thats the sound Ken was making when we was eating his oysters.  I wish I had sound to go along with this pic! 

Lil' Billy (the groom) has a house right on the marsh.  Here is a picture of the marsh - lots of wild critters live out here!!! big and little  (big as is alligagtors!)

I love the way moss hangs from the trees here.....

Mary made the groom's cake and the wedding cake.  Each layer is a different flavor.....it was oh so beautiful!

Here is the groom's cake.  Since Billy and Mitzi hike he wanted hiking boots for his cake.  These are exact replicas of his boots - size and everything.  The boots were made out of brownies covered with black fondant.  Its all made from chocolate, brownie or red velvet cake - so you can (and we did) eat it all - even the rocks, dirt, leaves and pine needles (found on any trail) were made of chocolate.  Talk about a talented sister in law!

I made 50 invitations for a15th birthday celebration for one of Madi's BFF's.  Her theme is pumpkin and roses - her birthday is Oct. 31 and her favorite flower is the rose.... wish you could see how they shimmer....spritzed them with shimmer mist.

Wow - I sure did have lots of pictures for you to see.  We had a wonderful trip to Ga.  Our route took us thru La, Miss, Ala, Fla, and Ga.  Have to tell you - being back home....back to reality is hard.  It is oh so nice having someone come in and make the beds, clean the room and give you fresh towels....plus having breakfast made for you.  Ok, lets just say, I could learn to live this way!! Mary and  Billy put on a great rehersal dinner and the wedding....OMG beautiful.  We felt just like we were in Hawaii.  The Kings and Prince Resort in St. Simon's Island was the location of the wedding.  With the wedding outside the backdrop was of the ocean.  The bride and groom stood under palm trees, a gentle breeze off the ocean and hawaiian music softly playing in the background.  The reception was wonderful, lots of food and drink.  I can truly say that So. Georgia really knows how to put on one heck of a wedding.  We had a neighbor's son come over and feed the cats instead of taking them to the vets.  The inside girls....okay, they shunned us for a day after we got back but they are over it by now.  Miss Kitty the outside kitty gave me love as soon as we got back....at least someone was glad to see us.  Ken is adjusting to not having his fill of seafood every day.  He really OD'd while we were on our trip.  We had beautiful weather and boy oh boy is everything green in Fla and Ga - made me so jealous over the thick, soft to walk on grass.  We are heading out next week to Tyler to visit my folks and visit with Ken's sister Margaret.  So we will be hitting the road on Tues.  See everyone when we get home.  Love to all - Ken and Glynda :)