Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Happy Spring!

Well, for all of us Spring Break has come and gone!  We had Kitty and Lily come and spend the week with us.  Hours were spent playing with the 10 zillion tadpoles in the pond and in the tree house.  The kitties have finally come out of hiding....Lucy has become really bold and I think has actually bonded with Lily.  She would get up in the chair when we were having dinner and butt her head into Lily's butt and want to be petted.  She would even get up on the couch for some petting.....like - who is she!!!!!  Miss Kitty (the cat) would come out at her usual time of 9 pm for dinner but Ethel - well she hid for the week!  My sister spent the weekend here to help celebrate my birthday.  To all of you who called, sent cards and who sent facebook messages or text - thank you for making me feel so extra special.  Of course on Sat. my birthday I kept waiting for my "children" to step up and make breakfast but alas, NO they did not.  But they sure did want me to give them their morning treats.  I went to a quilt show on Friday.  What a grand time I had.  Really got me in the mood to quilt and get back to sewing.  I have finally found my sewing machine so now I can make new pillow covers for the couch and new covers for patio furniture.  On Sat. Beckie and I got out and hit the Azalea Trails arts and craft show.  We each bought a couple of things.  Then we walked thru some of the beautiful backyards that are open during the azalea trails.  For those of you who have never been these are old homes that are absolutely beautiful and the yards are ablaze in blooms.  We then went back to the quilt show.  I had to pick up a small wall quilt I had won in a silent auction, went to a flea market, lunch, then hit 3 clothing stores and finally a resale/antique shop.  It was so grand getting to spend the day with my sister and just "play".  Then we picked up Ken and joined mother and daddy for birthday dinner.  My mom baked her awesome coconut cream pie for me.  This is what I want for my birthday cake....  By the end of the nite I was so tired and so full was not sure I could drive us home before I fell asleep.  The weather here has been glorious.  Really feeling like spring.  We have had some good rains.  Our pond which was empty when we bought the house is now full to the brim.  And I noticed Fri. that we have a whole new crop of tadpoles hatched.....if all these frogs make it....OMG!!!!!!  We are settling in and feel right at home.  I am loving having everything close at hand.  Most of everything we need is about 5-10 minutes away.  So different than living in Webberville and driving 30 - 60 min. to get anywhere. Lily tried out for her school play and got the lead!  So proud of her.  The play is in May so we will head to Austin for a couple of days.  Then before we know it school will be out and the girls will be back for a sumer visit.  Kitty's cheer group has been doing great.  Out of the last 3 competions they have placed 1st in 2 of them.  To awesome!  Madison went to her first Military ball a couple of months ago.  She was absolutely beautiful and Dalton, her boyfriend was absolutely handsome. Miss you all and hope to see you during the summer.  Ken and Glynda

1 comment:

  1. Glynnie,
    You have to update your information - You don't live in Webberville anymore. :)
    Much love. The girls miss you!
