Sunday, December 4, 2011

We got moved!

Dear Friends and Family:  well, we got moved on Wednesday.  Ethel and Lucy were sedated for the whole trip and Miss Kitty, well, she must have known that we were moving cause she was ready.  I had brought her into the house on Wed. while I was doing last minute things.  When I went in to get her she was already laying asleep in her crate.  She meowed a few times and got quiet for the whole trip.  We droped them off at the house before we went to closing.  Went back to check on them that evening.  While at the house Ethel had a seizure which really scared the ### out of me.  She seems to be doing okay now.  She is still really freaked/stressed out - not adjusting like Lucy and Miss Kitty.  We are watching her really close.  There is a vet about 5 miunutes from the house and I plan to stop by and see them tomorrow to see if we need to bring her in.  We are still at the hotel.  Will probably be here for at least 2 more weeks.  The floor guy starts tomorrow and should be done by Thurs. and then hoping the painter can start asap.  Should take them 3-5 days to paint.  Then we can start to move in the furniture and finally live in our house!!!!!  My sister in law Margaret is in town so she helped me unpack the kitchen on Thurs.  Then my sister/ personal interior decorator came in Fri. to help me unpack.  We got out Sat. and hit 11 - yep - 11 stores.  Bought a new sofa and chair for the living room.  Beckie has encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and have chosen some really pretty colors for the house.  We had the living room to hallway door, master bedroom door and the master bath door widened to 36" to make Ken getting thru them easier.  We also had the toliet and vanity removed.  Once the new floor is in we will put in new toliet and a pedestal sink.  Then we just have to wait for the new walk in shower to be put in.  We still have to come back to Webberville so that we can empty out Ken's shop.  That should take a day or 2.  Lots to do over the next 4-6 weeks, but then we will fell somewhat settled in.  Missing all our friends and family in Austin.  Hope everyone will have a wonderful Christmas season and enjoy the time with your family.   Love to all Ken and Glynda :)

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