Sunday, December 18, 2011

The end is near!!!

Yes - the end is near.  The new floors are in, the painters finished tonite (Sunday).  the movers arrive tomorrow as do our appliances and new chair/ottoman.  I am hoping that the sofa arrives on Wed. which means we will have a sofa by Christmas.  If not, well, I do have 16 folding chairs!!!!!  We are planning on having the new walk in shower installed on Wed/Thurs and then on Fri. we can have the pedestal sink and new toliet installed in the master bath.  After the furniture is in I will take pics and post them.  I went with a really pretty colors.  I choose Sherwin Williams Breezy (the lite color) and Labrodite (the darker color) for the house.  I really have stepped out of my "comfort zone" as far as color is concerned.  My sister really helped me with the color choices.  Our kitties have done well with the move.  Miss Kitty is in the same room right now with Lucy and Ethel.  I put her in the really big dog kennel (made for a golden retrevier size dog) at nite. Not sure I trust them not to have a tussell if I am not there.    Lucy and Ethel just plan ignore her - they make no eye contact.... there have been a few growls and a couple of paw jabs  from Lucy towards Miss Kitty but thats all.  I dont know how it will work out when they have free range of the house but we will see.  We plan on spending our first nite in our new home on Tues.  Wed. will be 3 weeks here and we are ready to check out of the hotel....but must admit I will miss HGTV!!!!!, housekeeping and the breakfast buffet every morning.  But it will be oh so nice to sleep in my bed again.  I am sitting here watching the final hour of Survivor.  I want Coach to win....but since the jury doesnt want to vote for anyone!!!!! should be an interesting final.  Once we check out from the hotel we will not have internet for a while.  We havent got one signed up yet for the house - so the only way to get hold of us is my cell -512 657 0660 or home number 903 561 8613.  Since I will not be posting until after Christmas Ken and I wish each and everyone of you a blessed and joyous Christmas and ask that we all remember the Reason for the celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior.   We love and miss you all.   Ken and Glynda  :)

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