Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Its a wild time at the Moon household!

Dear family and friends:  Can't believe that it has been almost a month since I last posted.  Life here has been extremely WILD the last 4-6 weeks.  We are moving to Tyler (actually the Noonday community) Nov. 30.  We have been blessed by God in oh so many ways.  We sold our house and never listed it with a realtor.  A nurse I knew from working at Seton - her mom is moving back to the Austin area and she came out, liked our house and bought it.  The movers are here on the 28th to load up the furniture, we close with her on Nov. 29 then the next day we head to Tyler and in the afternoon close on the new house.  It will be fast and furious for a few days but think its gonna be the hardest on our 3 about being traumatized!!!!!  Then the first 10 days we will have new flooring put in, bath remodel, painting and then we will be able to have furniture unloaded.  We had first thought we would just rough it at the house but with all the work to be done we are just gonna stay at the hotel for the first 10 days.  I didnt think we would need to repaint right away, but when we were in Tyler yesterday measuring for flooring, I got to see the walls after pictures were down and some furniture out....needs to be redone.  So my sister (aka my interior designer) helped me with wall color choices and floor choices.  In the spring/summer we will have outside painted and new kitchen counter top installed.  We will have 1.5 acres so lots of room to spread out.  There is a really nice pond on the property....albeit a dry pond right now...but maybe someday we will have enough rain to fill it back up.  After we get settled in I will take pictures and post, but until then probably not a lot of pictures.  We have been using PODS to load/store all the boxes and stuff from the house.  Once they are filled they pick it up and bring out a new one.  Then the pods are delivered to the new house on the dates we have selected.  So first 2 pods will be delivered on Dec. 1 and the 3rd one delivered on Dec. 6 with movers there on Dec 9 to unload furniture.  Its bee easy for me to pack up a few boxes, load on the dolly and zip them out.  The house is about 1/2 or a little more packed (not including furniture) and so is my shop.  So will fill up the new pod that was delivered today over the next few weeks.  I am really purging thru our stuff, but still....OMG, where did all this stuff come from!!!!! Someone has been sneaking into our home and stashing their stuff... Yesterday we had new garage doors installed.  Really makes the front of the house look so nice.  Know Junell (new home owner) will enjoy them.  Last nite Mr. Moon had some excitement.  Since I was in Tyler he went outside to feed Miss Kitty.  He went out on the power chair and then he could not get back in the house.  He was outside from 7 to almost 9.  He finally got in but while trying to get back in he had to make sure the 2 inside kitties did not get out.  I felt helpless in Tyler and the neighbors were out last nite, so glad Ken was able to get back in.  If he had been in his manual chair there would have been no problems....lesson learned!  Shall close for now.  Over the next week I will try and post update on packing/moving status.  Love to all....Ken and Glynda :)

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