Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rain, Rain....we had rain!!!!!

Kitty spent her 3 day weekend with us and while here we made soap.  Here is a sampling of her work.  We got a kit at Hobby Lobby, then added additional fragrance and speciality mold.  We did ovals, turtles, frogs, purses, hi heels, and flip flops.  Super easy and she did a great job.  Think that we are going to make some for Christmas gifts for her friends and she wants to make some for her birthday goodie bags. We did some in clear glycerine with color added and some with white glycerine with color added for a totally different look.  We even made some with 2 or 3 different color layers.

We made chocolate chip cookies for dessert Sat. nite.  Decorated them for Halloween.....spooky huh!

Kitty found a glass lantern in the craft drawer so she painted a fall scene - leaves and pumpkins.  She was in a craftin' mood this weekend.

Here she is modeling her first attempt at making a skirt.  She did the straight sewing, I did the elastic waist.  Think she did a super great job.

Well, it was so exciting when we actually had a day of rain.  It very briefly sprinkled on Sat. but Sun. OMG - it rained on and off all day.  We got a great soaking and there is even some traces of green grass in the yard.  With luck I will even have to mow in a few weeks.  We had a lovely trip to Tyler and had a good visit with Ken's sister Margaret - you may remember her from the last post - the one in the hula skirt.....(sorry Margaret, couldnt resist) and a good visit with my parents.  Even got to visit with our niece that lives in Van and went to her garage sale.  Got some great counted cross stitch pattern books.  Now to find some quiet time to do some stitchin'.  Getting ready to work on Kitty's birthday invitations for her 12th birthday and come up with an idea for her party favors.  Hard to believe that she will be 12 this year....course hard to believe that her sister Madi will be 15 in Jan.  Weren't they just born!!!!!  My favorite time of year is near.  Love the fall season.  Better get busy now and think about Thanksgiving and Christmas!  Love to all - remember to hug those close to you.  Ken and Glynda :)

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