Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas

First of all - hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  It was oh so cold here, so we stayed inside and stayed nice and warm.  Our friend Tina came and joined us for lunch and we got to spend the day was a wonderful day!  Ken is already for the Auburn/Oregon game with 2 new Auburn t-shirts.    There are random pictures today - dont sure what I did but they are kinda spaced out so shall attempt to let you know what is in each.  The two below of Lucy and Ethel -not sure what I hit to get the caption option....any way--- picture #1 - the stockings were hung and all 3 "girls" were getting new catnip mouses....cute little heads sticking out... #2-Lucy hiding under the tree - wonder if she is thinking if Santa will see her hiding there?  #3 -Miss Kitty (the outside kitty) never gets her pic taken so this morning (Sun.) during our quiet time together I got her pic. #4 -Yesterday the cardinals were abundant in the back yard.  I captured these 2 on the swing. #5 - here is cardinal out on the bird feeder this morning.  note the frost on the ground #6 -the daisys are my back porch are blooming and full of buds just waiting to burst open.  Would someone tell them its Dec. 26!!!! and #7 - to compare the "spring" on my backporch with daisys blooming, when I went to get the paper this morning the birdbath by the front porch had a frozen block of ice in it.  Somehow I got it turned sideways (not sure how to fix).  the leaves in the ice are from the sage bush.  It was like we had 2 different weather zones in our yard..... The last two are of Lucy and Ethel getting high.  Ethel more than Lucy is addicted to the Nip!!!!!  She leaps in the air, does backflips, just goes WILD!!!   Wishing everyone a quiet day today - enjoy your loved ones and enjoy the time you have with them.  All our love,  Ken and Glynda
Lucy and Ethel  on Kitty Crack (aka Cat Nip) - parents we must learn to say NO!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Wednesday

Hi everyone - can't believe that we are only 3 days from Christmas.  Hope everyone is ready!  The past 2 weeks the cats have all been oh so super sweet and you think they know Santa is watching (tee hee hee!).  Ken had therapy on Mon. and did some walking with the walker and the total gym.  He has 4 more visits so we will go 2 times each week for 2 weeks.  I went and had lunch today with Cherry and her girls then went to see Narnia.  Thanks girls for a wonderful and delightful afternoon.  And thank you Lily for a wonderful Lily original ornament.  Its already on the tree.  Narnia was great.   It was a perfect way to spend a gray day.  We may get out tomorrow for a bit - Ken wants to go Christmas shopping!!!!!!  Not sure if I am ready for it.... should be lots of people but I've never been out in the "last minute crowds" so looking forward to it....kinda.  But the fact that he wants to get out and go shopping is music to my ears.  He is feeling so much better since the surgery and is now wanting to venture out more and more.  Who knows, by the time we get to Ga. for the wedding - he may be up dancing.....wouldn't that be awesome.  Well, not a lot of news from here, but just wanted to drop a note and let everyone know all was well here.  We wish you all a very Merry Christmas.  Wish we could be with all our family this year, but even though we are not please know that you are in our prayers and in our hearts.  We love you all.   Ken and Glynda :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A great day!!!!!

Wow!  God is oh so Good.  This has been an absolutely awesome day!  We took the van in Mon. for oil/filter change and I had them look at the brakes - they were making noise - you know - that grinding noise!!!!  Well they had to keep it until today.  They also found that it needed new rotor/bearings on the 2 front tires as well as brakes.  I went this morning at 8 to pick it up - no idea how much $$$ it would be.  The young man at the dealership was so nice.  We have had the van  2 years next week and have 28,000 miles.  He was able to get most of the work under warranty and after all was said and done the bill was only $229.85.  Oh my goodness....thank you Jesus!  I was ready to mortgage the house.  Then we had an appt. with the surgeon who is so thrilled with Ken's progress.  Ken even got up on his walker and walked a bit for Dr.Blais.  Ken was released from his care.  We just go back if there is a problem in the future.  Answer to prayers for sure.  Then we made one more stop at Travis Medical.  We had ordered a new seat for Ken's wheelchair and it was in.  While we were there they let us know that Medicare had approved the power chair for Ken - it had been ordered - and we should expect delivery end of January.  I have prayed every nite that God would bless Ken with this chair, and he has!!!!!  Now we will have to have a lift put on the back of the van for the chair.  We will go in the next couple of weeks to look at them and make the arrangements.  I think that the lift is around $3,000 to 5,000.  Wish Medicare paid for this, but alas they dont.  But again we have been blessed that we have had the medical coverage for all of Ken's hospital stays, surgery, home health and physical therapy so paying for the lift is a small price to pay.  We came home just so happy.  It was indeed a good day.  We thought that you would also enjoy some pics.  For Halloween I had made some mini candy bar holders - the mummy, Mr. and Mrs. Frankenstein and Dracula.  For Thanksgiving I made some with turkeys on them and then for Christmas I made some with Santa, reindeer and snowmen.  I need to come up with ideas for St Patty's Day an Easter.  By the end of the year I should have mini candy bar holders for all the holidays.  I will be happy to send the directions to all who would like to make some.  The first picture was of teacher bags I made for Kitty and Lily's teachers.  I filled the bag with a mug I had decorated, peppermint hot chocolate, apple cider, pumpkin or banana bread, and chocolate/peppermint bark snowflakes.  I only had 4 of these to make so they went together pretty fast. The other pics are of Ken at therapy on Tues.  Ken had walked a bit and was about to get on the Total Gym so I got pics of him.  He did 7 min. on the total gym.  Course his legs are still hurting today!  Then last but not least - a picture of Ethel.   We were blessed to have our family here on Sat. for the Ferguson Family Christmas.  We had 12 for lunch, and I think that everyone went home full!  Anyway - before everyone got here I had sat the table and Ethel got up in the chair cause I guess that she was ready for her meal.   I even found out from our nephew - thank you Jason - that we could watch the ESPN bowl games on the computer.  So hoping we can pick up and watch the bowl games....otherwise we will be traveling all over Texas to "visit" our family (just in time to watch the games)  tee hee hee... I also want to send a shout out to my nephew Easton - he took the final exam on Tues. and he will graduate Texas A and M on Friday with a degree in Civil Engineering.   We are all very proud of you Easton.   Well, that brings you up to date from Webberville.  Its overcast and kinda gloomy here.  Only 1 day and I already miss the sun.  We pray that each and everyone of you has a wonderful week and we ask that you Remember the reason for the season......the birth of our Lord and Savior. All our love to each and every one of you.  Ken and Glynda

Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Monday Morning

Good Monday morning to everyone.  Hope you all had a great weekend.  Ken OD'd on football - Auburn (OMG!!!) SEC champs.  Can life be any sweeter.  Okay, it could if Arkansas was SEC champ.  But at least we are going to the Sugar Bowl.  I have been down with sinuses gone WILD.....I slept all day on Sat. And yes that means I slept thru the Auburn/S. Carolina game.  I literally slept until 1pm Sat. afternoon, got up and showered, laid down on the couch and slept until 6, got up and made a quick dinner and then at 9:30 was back in bed.  Talk about a 100% totally non-productive day, but guess that my body knew more than I did!  Will have to get more done this week./  I had planned to finish teacher gifts and another project Sat. but it will have to wait for another day.  Ken goes to see the prothesis lady today.  He needs the leg socket tweeked a bit today.  We know that with his stump changing sizes and shape over the next year this will be a constant thing tweeking until Oct. or Nov. of next year.  He only has one PT appt. this week so I am gonna try and get a pic or two of him up walking on his walker.  If I do I will post them tomorrow for everyone.  I must also say a huge thank you to the man who designed the rotating waffle maker!!!!!!  OMG - I am so in love.  We keep batter in the fridge and if Ken's sugar is low enough then we have a waffle for breakfast.  This is the kind of waffle maker that hotels now use for their breakfast bars.  In 2-3 minutes breakfast is done and we are enjoying.  I am also about to venture out into a new project.  Stampin Up offers a digital studio - you can make scrapbook pages, cards, calendars, whatever digitally and either print them yourself or have SU print for you.  I got mine this week and yesterday I loaded it all into the computer and all thats left is for me to read (and try to understand) the 128 page "user guide"!!!!  Wish me luck.  Luckily SU also has a section I can go to to watch videos on how to do this!  That's all for now.  Hope everyone has a great week.   Love to all,  Ken and Glynda :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Its startin' to look like Christmas around here...

I am starting to decorate the house.  Last nite we put up the tree and I got to put on all the new ornaments I made.  Think I ended up with  52 ornaments.  They sure look pretty (if I do say so myself!). On some of them I decorated the outside with snowflakes. This week I have been suffering with sinus.  It has kicked my butt!  I am getting very little sleep at nite cause I just cant breathe.  I am using the vaporizer, swabbed my chest with (my all time favorite) Vick Salve.  We all know Vicks will cure anything!!!!!  I dont feel really bad, just really really tired.  So I am moving slow this week.  I finally got some pics of the ornaments and hope you enjoy. Wish you could see them in person to see how glittery they look.  Click on the picture and you can get a better close up view. Tues. at PT Ken had a great day.  He got up on his walker and walked around the PT dept.  I am so  proud of him.  He did get a blister on his stump, so we go in on Mon. to have the prothestis people take a look at it.  May need a little tweeking.  We had hoped that Ken could just take a step or two to help him transfer, and looky here...he is walking around therapy with his walker.  We go today and maybe one or two days next week and that should be it.  Medicare doesnt care that you are getting stronger and would benefit from more therapy...they just give you so many days and thats it.  Hope everyone has a great day.  Love to all.  Ken and Glynda