Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy Saturday

Ethel was found sound asleep on the floor.  Guess she was just tired out....from what....I don't know.  Now take a look at Lucy... these two must have been active all nite...cause they were dead to the world in the morning.

Doesn't Lucy look like she is just about to melt down the front of the sofa!  What it must be like to be oh so relaxed!  She has truly entered the next world.....

Hello friends and family:  WOW - where has summer gone!!!!!  When I broke my foot in Jan. knew that I would not be able to get yard clean up done so thought, no problem, I'll do it in the summer.  Ok, so who knew that it would be triple digits all summer!!!!!  Now I tell myself...will do it in the fall.  At this rate I will be saying "I'll do it in the spring" before to long.  Oh well, no one out here has any yard this year.  The drought is really hitting us hard.  I am having to fill the birdbath at least twice a day since the birds are draining it dry.  They are going through the water and food oh so fast.  My raccoon may have gotten into 2 of the feeders last nite.  2 of them hang a little low and I guess if they stand up on hind feet they can tip them over and pour out all the seeds.  This morning I found 2 of them completely empty and hanging to one side.  What seed not eaten was on the ground.  I guess that raccoons would eat bird seed??? Just dont know.  But since I filled all 3 feeders last nite and 2 were hanging over and empty they are the only critters I can think of that would do it.  I have one that comes up to the porch to eat Miss Kitty's food so I have to make sure not to leave it out there.  A couple of times the raccoon has scratched at the living room window to get my attention and I have taken a small cup of food out and poured it on the ground.  Yes I know, if you feed they will stay, but with this drought I feel sorry for them.  We are going to Tyler next week for 4 days so guess the coons will have a feast since I will be leaving out extra food for Miss Kitty.  We have lost most of our yard even thought I am watering....just toooooo darn hot.  Right now I am praying for a hurricane to form off  the coast just so we can get some rain!  Ken had his cataract surgery and after 2 post op visits is doing fine.  He feels he sees better now in his right eye.  He will still have to wear glasses due to his astigmatism and thats ok.  He will probably go in Oct-Dec and have his left eye done.  We go back to see Dr.Dai on the 19th and Ken will get a new prescription for the right eye lens in his glasses.  We are getting ready to take out big road trip in Sept.  I am so excited.  In the next few weeks we will sit down and plan out the route and where we want to stop.  Think we will take 4 days to get there so we can stop along the way and play tourist.  I bought an antique metal twin bed headboard and footboard from our neighbor.  The bed belonged to his dad who died several years ago so they are at least 90+ years old.  I wanted a bench made out of it, so Manuel cut the footboard in half and welded them to the headboard to make arms.  Then he put a plywood base in it for the seat.  I have gotten fabric to make pillows and cushions for the bench and then they it will go on the porch.  Manuel kept one of the beds and as soon as his wife saw mine she told him she wanted one to.  So last Sun. Manuel made 2 benches.  Ken got his new permanent leg last week and he will wear it for a couple of weeks then we go back for final review.  If no tweeking needs to be done, then the leg will have the permanent "skin" covering put over it so it will look more like a leg.  He will have to wear his original leg for about 2 wks. but thats okay.  School is about to start here Aug 22 so guess that means summer is almost over.  Got 1 week left to have the girls out and to enjoy the last week before school starts.  Cherry and the 3 girls are heading to Calif. Sun for a week.  So they will have lots to talk about when they get home.  Love to all,  Ken and Glynda :)

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