Monday, August 29, 2011

Raccoons - true little bandits !

Here is the project I have been working on for a while for our nephew's wedding next month.  After the wedding I will show you the full pic.  For now....just a tease.

I bought a youth bed from our neighbor - belonged to his dad who passed away 2 yrs. ago at 100 - so these are really old.  Manuel cut the foot board in half and welded it to the headboard and made a bench for me.  I cleaned it up - lightly sanded cause I wanted to keep the rusty antique look, then sprayed it with a clear acrylic to prevent any further rusting.  Really looked good after I finished.

Here is the finished bench.  I covered foam cushions and then I covered the plywood with batting and fabric to finish off the seat then made 3 pillows for the back. 

Here is the momma raccoon eating the kitty food I put out.

Momma is guarding the food!  Cause she is not sharing.  The 3 babies were out by the trees and I could not get their pics.

Well, I have now seen it all!  Miss Ethel was growling at the window so I looked out and the raccoons were back.  We havent seen them for several days.  There was a momma and 3 babies.  I went outside and sat on the porch.  They did not run away. They were to busy eating the bird seed that was on the ground.  Then I saw the momma climb up the tree, go out onto the branch, and procede to pull up the bird feeder by the cord and once she had it she tipped it over to pour out the seed onto the ground.  I could not believe my eyes.  I clapped my hands and told them no! and she finally came down.  I came in and got some cat food which she is eating, but she is NOT sharing it with her 3 babies....they are eating the bird seed.  Ken is sitting at the door watching them, better than TV.  Looks like now one of the babies is up eating the kitty food I put out for them.  They are such fun to watch, picking up food with their hands and being oh so dainty about it.  For those who live in Tx. the heat wave is not news but for our friends and family out of state - Sun. reached 112 in Austin and today a mere 109!  Ah, a cold front!!!!!!  I was out in my shop Sun. afternoon  and couldnt figure out why I was sweatin' but when I came in and heard it was 112 I figured out why my little window unit just couldnt keep up with the heat outside.  The news was saying tonite that this could go on for another 1-2 please pray for rain and some cooler temps for Texas.  We need it so bad.  The only advantage is that there are NO bugs, zero, nada.  We did get some rain Thurs - about 10 min. worth.  Not a lot but enough to keep the temp to double digits only......Yahoo.  The pics in the paper are pretty scary when you see lakes and streams dry, and cattle dying.  With not end in sight it really scares me.  Ken goes in Fri. for what we hope is his final fitting of new prothesis.  If it is, then he will leave the leg and they will put the "skin" covering on it to make it look more like a leg.  That process should take a week or 10 days.  During that time he will just wear his old leg.  We are so thrilled.  Will send photos when he gets the final leg.  Love to all our friends and family.  Hug those close....Ken and Glyda :)

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