Saturday, July 23, 2011

Cataracts and Raccoons!

Ok, now that I have your attention.....

Wednesday nite about 10:30 I was sitting at the table checking emails when I heard scratching on the living room screen.  Usually Miss Kitty (our outside kitty) will "claw" the window if she wants me to come out or if she wants food.  So I grabbed her food dish and headed out to the porch.  Imagine my surprise when I saw that it was not Miss Kitty but a raccoon who had gotten up and was pawing at the window.  Guess she was hungry and wondering why I had not left the food dish outside for her to eat!  I dont usually bring in the food dish until about 11 but I had brought it in early Wed nite.  I'm tellin' you-these animals around here think that we are a 24 hr diner!  Even the birds let me know they were not happy with us on Wed. morning.  They had gone thru all their food Tues. so Wed. they came up on the porch and were eating out of the cat's food dish....  I think we have created monsters....  The raccoon did not run off to far.  I sat out on the porch for a while and she found a pecan on the ground and broke it open and ate it.  Then she scampered off.    On Thurs. Ken went in and had right eye cataract surgery.  All went well and we were home after several hours.  We went to the doctor yesterday for post op check up.  He said all was good.  We go back in 1 week.  After 4 weeks if Ken is happy with results, we've had no problems and vision is improved, then we will schedule his left eye.  Then he will have oh so much better eyesight.  He will still have to wear glasses due to his astigmatism but thats ok.  Dont know if I would know him without the glasses!  I hope everyone is staying inside and cool.  Those of us in Texas are suffering something awful with this drought...our yard is so crunchy - no longer lush and green.  Miss it cause now I have to wear shoes out in the yard.....hurts to walk on the grass now since it is so dry.  We pray for rain daily but it just doesnt happen!  I was reading in the paper yesterday that 7 weeks ago 25% of Texas was in severe drought conditions and now 75.5% of Texas is in severe drought conditions....that only 2 counties are not in the severe drought category.  Now that is super scary.  We spend almost all day in the house....I sit out on the porch early morning and at nite.  There is usually a nice little breeze that helps make it comfortable.  We have Miss Lily (9) coming out the first week of Aug. for her stay.  She has already let me know she wants to sew/quilt.  So think I have an easy pattern for her and we will make a big 24 x24" floor pillow unless she just has to do a quilt like her sister.  Well, that is it from Webberville.  Remember to hug those you love.  Love, hugs and kisses from us...Ken and Glynda :)

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