Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Here is Miss Kitty busily sewing her first quilt.

You've heard of WHERE"S WALDO - well here is my version.....WHERE'S LUCY!...

Here is Kitty with her finished quilt.  I cant get over what an awesome job she did!  It was bound with black fabric and backed with the same black.  We used buttons to tie the quilt instead of quilting each square.

Well, hard to believe a week has come and gone.  I am trying to figure out where summer has gone.  With school starting Aug. 22 the summer is almost over now.  WOW!  This is a busy week for us.  Yesterday I went and helped my niece Cherry and my sister Beckie get Cherry's class room ready.  She is in a new class room this year so there was a lot to set up.  Today Ken had his 2nd fitting of his new leg.  Looks like if the modifications made today are good then at the next fitting - probably 2-3 weeks from now - they will be able to order the final leg.  Yahoo.  The new leg will have a foot that flexes some so it will make ambulating easier.  Right now there is no flexion in his foot.  We are so excited.  Tomorrow (Wed.) we go to Seton Northwest for his pre op appointment for his cataract surgery.  Then we go back to the hosp. on Thurs for the surgery, and Fri. AM we have post op visit.  So the week will be busy.  Hope nextg week I can get out in the shop and finish up a couple of projects I am working on.  I have had the neatest bird come up in the back yard.  I have tried to get pictures of it - but it is so skiddish  - flies away each time I go out and stays away until I come in the house.  It is a small bird about the size of a chickadee.  The head is blue, body red and wings green.  I have had 2 in the yard.  I am gonna have to get a book on Texas birds and see if I can find out what it is.  If anyone knows please let me know.   When we lived in Arlington I worked for an orthopedic surgeon and his son Dane is now in NY singing opera.  Go to YouTube.com and search Dane Reese and see his clips and hear him sing....OMG!!!! he is so wonderful.  He has been in Italy this week at a Italian Opera Festival singing.   He was invited to attend....so shows you how good he is.  Would love for yall to go take a look.   Well, I had better go...Americas Got Talent is coming on.....gotta see what Pierce Morgan has to say today!  Love to all....Ken and Glynda :)

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